Pros and Cons of Smoking Weed Every Day

Snoop Dog and smokes

Is it really bad to smoke weed every day?

According to recent reports, Iceland and the US are the first and second most abundant weed smoking population in the world with roughly 18.3 % and 16% of the adult population respectively claiming to partake on a frequent basis. Naturally, this begs the question. Is it bad to smoke weed every day of your life? While marijuana use definitely has its benefits it also has some pretty obvious consequences which all chronic users should be aware of. In this article, we will discuss five of the most significant pros and cons of smoking weed every day.


1) Pain relief

The most obvious benefit of smoking weed every day is the fact that people can use it to help manage pain levels. Millions of people all over the world rely on cannabis to help deal with chronic pain and if it helps them avoid the use of painkillers or prescription opioids. It is likely well worth the long-term risks involved.

2) Weight control

Using weed as an appetite stimulant is another huge benefit particularly among those suffering from things like chemotherapy treatment, radiation therapy, chronic nausea, and anorexia. However, few people realize that chronic cannabis users also have smaller waist sizes and decreased the prevalence of diabetes compared to non-users. This suggests that in addition to working as an appetite stimulant marijuana may also be linked to lower levels of obesity which of course is a significant long-term health benefit.

3) Reduced blood pressure

If you’ve ever been high before and started panicking because it felt like your heart was beating a million miles per hour you’re certainly not alone. But did you know that studies have shown that chronic marijuana use can actually lead to lower blood pressure over time? There are of course several other factors at play here but lower blood pressure generally correlates with improved cardiovascular health over the long-term.

4) Brain cell protection

This one might seem a little counterintuitive considering the general consensus that marijuana kills brain cells. But did you know the US government actually holds a patent on cannabinoids as neuroprotection? In other words, studies have shown that cannabis actually helps protect the myelin sheath of brain cells. Therefore reducing the likelihood of neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

5) Energy Boost

Smoking weed every day to get an energy boost might seem a little odd to those who don’t consume regularly. But ask almost any chronic pot user and they’ll tell you that they are much more energetic and productive right after they’ve had their daily cannabis fix.


So, what about the cons of smoking weed every day?

1) Addiction

While addiction to pot certainly doesn’t pose the life-threatening risks that other drug addictions do. It is never healthy when an individual has to become reliant on a substance in order to improve their mood or well-being. On the contrary to what some people might tell you, it is entirely possible to become addicted to pot

2) Negative impact on short-term memory

While studies regarding the impact of marijuana on long-term memory are lacking a few publications have surfaced in recent years showing that daily weed use ca, in fact, result in poorer verbal memory. In other words, it’s likely that chronic marijuana use will decrease memory of the short-term when used on a day-to-day basis.

3) Possible drop in IQ

This one is still very much up for debate but a recent study out of New Zealand showed that people who started smoking weed every day heavily in their teens experienced an 8-point drop in their IQ by the age of 38.

4) Risk of a cardiac event

This one is a bit hypocritical considering we listed decreased blood pressure as one of the potential benefits of smoking weed every day. But a study has recently surfaced showing that chronic marijuana users were more than three times more likely to die from hypertension than non-users. However, given the nature of the study much more research should be carried out on the topic before any definitive judgments are made.

5) Sexual health and reproductive issues

For decades it has been suggested that heavy marijuana use could reduce testosterone levels and sperm count in men potentially leading to infertility. Of course, it is true that some men find it more difficult to get in the mood after smoking weed which can lead to decreased libido. Again, much more clinical research will have to be done in this area in order to come to any sort of definitive medical conclusion.

Now, you are aware of both the advantages and disadvantages of smoking weed every day. What are your thoughts on the health risks of smoking weed every day? Let us know in the comments below.

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