In the cannabis world, we hear a lot about THC, which is the primary and most common cannabinoid responsible for getting users high, and CBD, which has a wide range of health benefits without having any psychoactive effect.
However, there are other more cannabinoids, such as CBG and CBN, which each offer unique advantages. Here is all the information you want regarding each of these significant cannabinoids so you can determine which may be ideal for you.
A Background On Cannabis
The cannabis plant contains around 390 different chemical elements, including well over 100 various cannabinoids. These cannabinoids start an interaction with the body in a number of ways, producing both therapeutic effects and some of them also produce intoxicating effects, such as THC.
Cannabidiol, often known as CBD, is one of the most well-known and well researched cannabinoids out of all of them, aside from THC, because of the many different potential medical benefits associated with it.
CBG, commonly known as cannabigerol, is a different cannabinoid that is becoming more well-known for its potential medical uses.
The sedative effects of CBN, also known as cannabinol, are well recognized. It also contains analgesic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and muscle-relaxing effects.
If you’re prone to any allergic reactions to some of the cannabinoids out there, it’s worth noting that CBN is non-psychoactive. As this discussion on cannabis demonstrates, there are many cannabinoids with diverse properties and uses – but they all stem from the same plant! So which should you try?
The answer depends on your preferences. If you want a mood enhancer, try CBN; if you want relief from inflammation and pain, go for CBG; if you want a possible treatment for epilepsy, use CBD.
All three may help ease anxiety and depression, too. Hemp oil is rich in CBD, while CBN levels vary depending on whether the hemp was grown organically or conventionally.
- CBG levels increase when hemp plants are grown under stress conditions such as low nutrient availability.
- CBD has no psychoactive effects and will not show up on a drug test, so it’s a great choice for daytime use.
- CBN has significant sedative properties and does show up on drug tests, so keep that in mind if you need to take any type of test.
Plus, if you’re looking for a mood enhancer, stick with CBN. You’ll find higher levels of it in hemp grown organically because conventional growing methods tend to create lower concentrations of the cannabinoid. However, high doses of THC can produce similar effects and aren’t detected by drug tests either.
And finally, although all these cannabinoids are each derived from the weed plant, there are certain people who are allergic to certain ones like THC and CBD so make sure you know what you’re sensitive to before trying out anything new:
- CBD is non-psychoactive, which means it won’t give you a high feeling when used as an extract or oil derived from cannabis plants. In fact, WHO recently released a report detailing their belief that CBD should not be scheduled internationally as a controlled substance.
- CBG has been shown to aid in reducing chronic inflammation and treating conditions such as arthritis, asthma, diabetes, and ulcerative colitis. Studies on humans have shown that CBN alleviates insomnia, stimulates appetite and reduces menstrual cramps.
With so many beneficial applications for each of these cannabinoids available to us today, it’s important to do research before deciding which one might work best for you – your health is at stake! It is hard to say which cannabinoid is the best since they all serve unique purposes and provide distinct sensations.
For example, CBN is a good choice for someone who needs a sleep aid, whereas CBD could be a better fit for someone suffering from depression or chronic pain.
So what’s the verdict? Everyone responds differently to cannabinoids and it’s important to find the right strain for you.
Remember that THC, CBD, CBG, and CBN are all just pieces of the same puzzle. They are often seen together in the same plant, but when isolated from one another, they all offer something different. Do your research and experiment to see what works best for you.
A Brief Look At The Endocannabinoid System
The endocannabinoid system is made up of receptors and neurotransmitters that help to keep some of the bodily functions regulated. Body functions such as inflammation, pain, appetite, and mood are regulated by the endocannabinoid system. Cannabinoids, which are chemicals that interact with this system, are found in both cannabis and hemp plants. 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) and anandamide, the main endogenous agonists of the cannabinoid receptors in the endocannabinoid system (ECS), are involved in a variety of physiological processes, including appetite, pain-sensation, mood, and memory.
The main function of the ECS, which is present in all vertebrates, is to maintain homeostasis. It is also known as the endocannabinoid system since it was discovered while searching for molecules whose characteristics resembled those of 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main active ingredient in cannabis.
Cannabinoid receptors come in two varieties: CB1 receptors and CB2 receptors. Although both kinds may be found all over the body, depending on where they are, they perform various tasks. The brain, neurological system, and other organs including the liver and kidneys are home to the majority of the body’s CB1 receptors. CB2 receptors, on the other hand, are mostly present in immune cells known as macrophages or T cells.

CBG is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid that has a variety of potential therapeutic uses. It is known to fight inflammation, pain, and even cancer. CBG is found in smaller quantities in cannabis plants than other cannabinoids like CBD and THC.
However, it is possible to isolate CBG from the plant using extraction methods. You can also find synthetically produced CBG on the market. Synthetic CBG has been shown to be more potent than its natural counterpart. CBN, why it’s beneficial and where it comes from.
- Pain relief. CBG has been shown to reduce inflammation, which can help with pain. One study showed that it helped people with arthritis, while another showed it might help with multiple sclerosis symptoms.
- Antibacterial and antiviral effects. CBG has antibacterial and antiviral properties. It may be able to fight bacteria like MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), which is resistant to antibiotics like penicillin and methicillin, according to research from the University of Guelph in Canada.
These results need to be replicated in humans before we can say for sure, but they’re promising nonetheless.

Unlike THC, this cannabinoid does not have any psychoactive effects. What makes CBN so interesting for medicinal purposes is that unlike most other cannabinoids, it crosses over into the brain easily without requiring any changes in metabolism.
Because of this property, scientists believe that CBN may provide benefits for conditions such as insomnia and anxiety disorders without giving users a high.
CBN is the short name for cannabichromene. It is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant and has been shown to have many health benefits.
Some of the health benefits of CBN include:
Antidepressant – Studies show that CBN can help relieve anxiety and depression in humans by increasing serotonin levels.
Anti-inflammatory – Cannabinoids such as CBN have been shown to reduce inflammation by reducing cytokines, which are immune system proteins that cause inflammation. This can be helpful for conditions like arthritis or even skin irritations such as psoriasis or eczema.
Analgesic (pain reliever) – Research has shown that cannabinoids like CBN may help reduce pain by binding to receptors in our bodies called TRPV1 receptors, which are involved in sensing heat and pain signals. This means that cannabinoids like CBN could potentially be used as an alternative pain reliever to opioids and other prescription drugs.

CBD has been shown to have a number of health benefits, including reducing anxiety and stress, relieving pain and inflammation, boosting mood and promoting restful sleep.
CBD is similar in chemical structure to THC, but it interacts with the body in different ways. It does not produce any psychoactive effects (such as a “high”), but it may alter your perception of pain and cause other therapeutic effects.
CBD also interacts with several receptors in the brain that affect how we feel and function. It can relieve anxiety, depression and nausea, promote restful sleep, reduce inflammation, improve mood and boost appetite.
The following are some ways that CBD can be beneficial for your health:
- Relieve Pain & Inflammation
- Anti-Inflammatory Properties
- Promotes Restful Sleep
- Reduce Anxiety & Depression
CBDA is the acidic precursor to tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA), which is the most abundant cannabinoid in raw cannabis.
CBDA is non-psychoactive and is a potent anti-inflammatory that’s being investigated as a treatment for a variety of illnesses, including cancer, arthritis and multiple sclerosis.
It’s also antibacterial and has been shown to stimulate bone growth and inhibit tumor growth in animal studies.
CBDV is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid that works to combat the side effects of THC. It has been shown to provide greater pain relief than CBD alone and has been used in humans for its anti-inflammatory properties.
CBDV is one of the most abundant cannabinoids in many strains of cannabis, including ACDC, Harlequin, Sour Tsunami, and Cannatonic. It’s found less frequently in strains like Charlotte’s Web and R4 or R5 plants from GW Pharmaceuticals.
CBDV acts as an antagonist to CB1 receptors (CB1) which are responsible for the euphoria experienced when consuming marijuana. By binding to these receptors, CBDV helps reduce the psychoactive effects associated with other cannabinoids such as THC while enhancing their therapeutic effects on pain, inflammation, and overall well-being.
Where Can You Find CBD Oil?
There are a few places to find CBD oil. You can purchase it online, at a dispensary, or even make it yourself at home. If you live in a region where cannabis is legal, dispensaries will be the easiest place to find it.
You can also find CBD oil in some health food stores, but not all of them carry it. Make sure to call ahead and ask if they have it in stock. You can also purchase CBD oil online from a variety of different websites.
However, be sure to do your research before buying anything online. Just because something says that it has CBD in it doesn’t mean that there isn’t any THC (the psychoactive component of marijuana) in there as well. THC levels for marijuana range anywhere from 0% to about 30%. The more THC there is, the more psychoactive the effects will be.
It’s important to know what percentage of THC is present when choosing products because certain states may prohibit consumption of products with high levels of THC while others may allow consumption up to a certain limit depending on their laws.
Be safe and stay informed! Always read labels carefully, and understand what ingredients are in the product. Remember that these things should only be used according to your region’s law – meaning if your region prohibits recreational use of marijuana, then don’t consume CBD products that come from hemp.
In addition, always consult your doctor before starting any new medication to make sure that CBD products won’t interfere with other medications you’re taking.
Final Thoughts
Overall, CBG is the least psychoactive of the cannabinoids and is much harder to find in CBD Oil. It is found in trace amounts, and is an intermediate step between CBDA (cannabidiolic acid) and CBD. CBG has been shown to help those with more severe cannabis withdrawal symptoms.
And it works well alongside THC, both psychoactive and non-psychoactive, which makes it a popular choice for novice users seeking relief from a host of different symptoms.