Back in the day, bong rips were one of the best ways to get high super quickly with relative ease. Unfortunately for bong lovers, dabs quickly become superior. They’re easier to hit, cheaper to buy, and are a lot stronger. Not to mention you can actually incorporate dabs into regular old joints, so you won’t actually have to buy a whole bunch of equipment. But we’re not necessarily here to talk about the greatness of dabbing. Instead, we’re going to be talking about how to make the best out of a bong rip.
With this guide, you’ll be able to take the smoothest bong rips you’ve ever taken. Rips that’ll make you forget all about dabbing, and embrace the old school classics.
First off, let’s discuss just how beautiful a bong really is. They’re a pristine work of craftsmanship. One that uses high-class hydro-engineering to truly show off the magnificence of the glasswork. Bongs are designed to provide great hits. Hits that get you really high, really quickly. With a bong, you can control the exact amount of weed you burn for each hit. Not only that, but bongs ensure that very little of the plant is wasted if any. A lot of people like using bongs because they’re like science projects. They’re customizable in every sense of the world and look like something straight out of a lab. Bong rips are obviously not the only reason.
Although bongs are a wonderful thing, they can be nightmarish if used wrong. Bongwater tastes horrible, and those who forget or simply don’t know how to take bong rips properly will experience the taste first hand. This article will teach you everything you need to know about taking bong rips, as well as how to make them incredibly smooth.
Percolators and Bong Rips — What they are and how to use them

Percolators are an excellent tool to use when trying to smoothen your bong rips. Percolators work by forcing smoke through water in order to filter and purify it. As all of the harsh hitting chemicals disappear, the smoke will be smooth and silky. Percolators typically have multiple holes to enhance the rig’s diffusion capabilities. To sum it all up, percolators work to cool, filter, and purify your smoke.
It’s important to note that the more holes there are in the percolator, the more diffusion becomes doable. Unfortunately, you’re trading diffusion for ease of use. It will take a lot more lung power to breathe in the same amount of weed as without a percolator because the device tends to cause a lot of drag. Usually, when there are only a few holes, you won’t notice a difference. When they become overwhelmingly present, you may have a problem.
Below we’ve put together a brief explanation with respect to the other ways in which percolation benefits you. Keep in mind that there are a bunch of different types of percolators, but in the end, they’ll all provide the following services.
Number One – Lubrication and/or Moisturizing
The reason as to why bong rips can sometimes be harsh and unpleasant is because the smoke tends to dry out. When you force the smoke through water using a percolator, water vapor is added to the smoke. This lubricates the smoke in a way and provides a much lighter hit, yet with all of the original potency. Never again will you have to burn your lungs to get a great high.
Number Two – Cooling
Another reason as to why bong hits can be harsh is because of the temperature. The smoke tends to get very hot because it is smoke after all. By forcing the smoke through water, you’re effectively cooling it by smothering its heat in the weight of the water. Not only that, but it’ll take the smoke longer to make it through the water than not at all, meaning the smoke is given even more time to cool.
Number Three – Filtration
By filtering all of the harmful contaminants and toxins out of the smoke, you’re creating a smoother hit. Combine this with numbers one and two and you’ve got one hell of a smooth rip.
Below we’ve put together a brief explanation with respect to the different types of percolators. All of the following types will provide the above three services, however, some will do them better than others.
Type Number One – Downstems
Downstems were the original percolation design. They were and still are a very simple design. The smoke moves down a tube and is forced through the water. It comes out lubricated, cooled, and filtered.
Type Number Two – Showerhead Percolators
Showerhead percolators are very similar to downstems, yet have tubing shaped like showerheads (hence the funny name). The tubing is a little more intricate than that of downstems, but it gets the job done all the same.
Type Number Three – Tree Percolators
Tree percolators are the most popular type of percolators. They use a branching tube setup that enhances the ability to lubricate, cool, and purify the smoke. The branching tube system allows for smoke to be forced through the water with a decreased amount of drag. This system is perfect because it is intent upon reducing the potential negatives of having too many holes in your percolator.
Type Number Four – Inline Percolators
Inline percolators are essentially the same as downstem percolators, however, rather than entering the water at an angle, they sit flat in the water. This set up allows for the smoke to be pushed through the water for a longer duration.
Type Number Five – Turbine Percolators
These percolators are intent upon being tough and durable. They’re small and built using a turbine set up for the tubing. This particular percolator is one solid piece.
Type Number Six – Honeycomb Percolators
Similarly to a turbine percolator, honeycomb percolators are designed to be durable and tough. However, rather than a turbine design, they’re designed after a honeycomb (hence the name).
Type Number Seven – Spiral Percolators (Otherwise known as coil percolators)
A spiral percolator is a simple one tubed design. This type of percolator is more advantageous than a regular old percolator because the coiled design lets the smoke stay underwater for longer. A lot of people like this design because it allows for aesthetic customization. Some percolators of this design even glow in the dark.
Type Number Eight – Fritted Disc Percolators
Known to be the most powerful of percolators, yet also one of the most difficult to use, the fritted disc percolator is a fan favorite among many.
Ash Catchers – The Purpose They Serve

Ash catchers are designed to keep the ash from getting into your bong, and in succession, into your mouth. By separating the bong from the actual bowl, there’s virtually no risk of accidentally getting ash in your mouth. I think we can all honestly say that having ash in your mouth is one of the worst experiences ever, so any device that stops that from happening is a good friend of mine!
An amazing benefit of an ash catcher is that since the bowl and bong are separated, the capture of harmful toxins and contaminants is so much easier. This essentially allows for another step in the filtration process, which will, of course, lead to smoother and more pure hits.
One of the coolest things about ash catchers is they allow for another level of customization. I think bong users everywhere would agree that if you’re not customizing your bong you’re not experiencing everything you could be. Typically ash catchers are sold as bong accessories, and in our opinion are definitely worth whatever the asking price is.
Ash catchers come in a large variety of sizes, so it may be difficult to find the one best suited for you at first. All you need to keep in mind is that your ash catcher should suit your bong. You don’t want one that’s way too big, or way too small. Try some out, and see which one balances with your bong best.
Ash catchers typically cost anywhere from $20 to $80, with the quality going up with the price. In our humble opinion, this accessory is well worth the price because not only does it help to filter your smoke, but it has actually been known to enhance flavors. This is of course due to the added level of diffusion that an ash catcher offers.
Hemp Wick – How it’s made and what it’s good for
For those unfamiliar, hemp refers to CBD products with levels of THC below 0.3% Typically hemp is used for medicinal purposes, or to be more specific, pain relief, stress relief, inflammation relief, and more. Due to the low THC content in hemp, it does not provide the typical euphoria and giggle fits that weed is so well known for.
Nowadays, hemp is used for a large variety of processes. First, a lot of people actually use hemp when baking. Hemp can be used to make bread, cookies, muffins, and more. Organic lotion is another big one, but the most surprising of all is the fact that people actually use hemp to make clothes! Back in the day hemp was actually a super popular resource. Sailors and pirates would actually use it to make rope and sails.
Hemp wick is made from wick fibers, which in turn allows it to light super easily. Not only does using hemp wicks make the smoke smoother, but it’s actually far healthier for you to inhale. When you inhale something lit up by a butane lighter, you’re inhaling more than just smoke. There are a variety of contaminants and toxins that butane pushes into your body. Thankfully hemp wick is super easy to use and is actually quite cheap.
So how does it stop you from breathing in fumes? Well in simple terms, the wick is only responsible for getting a flame going. None of the chemicals and fumes that were needed to light up are even going to make it through the transfer. Just the flame! Due to this, you’re essentially using another filter.
Below you’ll find a list of the best hemp wick out there. Each of these listings is available for purchase, and are one hundred percent topping the quality list.
Bee Line Hemp Wick 200FT
This particular option is one hundred percent organic. It burns slowly and is an excellent way to avoid harmful butane fumes.
Bee Wix 420 FT
Although it doesn’t burn as long as others, Bee Wix comes with a lot of wicks. More than most of what we have listed here today.
Twisted Bee Hemp Wick 200FT
Known for its thickness and quality, this organic blend is an excellent choice.
I-Tal Hemp Wick 15.5 Ft
This particular option is very thick and burns REALLY slowly. I-Tal Hemp Wick is some of the highest quality stuff on this list. We definitely recommend trying some of it out.
Humboldt Hemp Wick 100FT
Unfortunately, this particular option burns a little quicker than what we’d like and costs a decent sum too. However, it’s quality is truly fantastic. It’s made from real beeswax and hemp and has been known to act as a fantastic filter.
Electronic Lighters – The brilliance behind the innovation
Although hemp wicks are great to use, you are still required to use butane to light the wick. Unfortunately, this means that there is still a very slight chance that some fumes could transfer over. If you want to eliminate this chance completely, you have to go right to the source and stop using butane. Fortunately, there’s a great way to go about doing this.
Electronic lighters are completely void of butane. Instead, they use metal or ceramic heating elements, which are a lot safer than butane and release none of the same fumes. Electronic lighters are powered by electricity and can be charged in the same way that you charge your phone. Either plug it into a wall, a USB port, or a portable charger! Most people report that the lighter’s battery life lasts up to an entire week and only takes a few hours to charge. This means you’ll never be without a working lighter.
Ice Catcher – What is it?

Ice catchers are an excellent way to ensure that your smoke is smooth and silky to inhale. Ice catchers are typically used on ice bongs in order to prevent ice from falling all the way through the ice chamber. To clarify, ice bongs used ice cubes to further cool the smoke. These ice cubes are situated along the tube part of your bong, in what some people call pockets.
Ice catchers typically come standard nowadays on most ice bongs, but that’s not entirely true for the smaller versions. On some non-ice bong rigs you may be able to set up an ice rig but it would be kind of difficult to do without expert help. If you’re interested in trying out an ice bong, we recommend getting a dedicated one. A lot of people prefer to get an ice bong without a dedicated ice catcher, however, because they are then able to customize their bong even further. After all, you don’t want a basic boring bong! You want it to reflect your style and your persona.
When adding ice to your ice bong, you need to be very careful. If you’re too rough, you could shatter the glass as ice tends to be quite dense. We recommend inserting the ice at an incline in order to slow down the path of the cubes.
Although there are alternatives to ice, ice is the easiest to use and is by far the cheapest. After all, ice is just water! It’s Eco-friendly.
Dosage and Packing
When it comes to packing your bowl, you obviously need to grind the weed beforehand. Doing so ensures that your smoke is smooth and silky and that you won’t be inhaling large pieces of marijuana by mistake. What we recommend however is to preserve something called Kief when you grind up your weed. When used properly, Kief will make your hits smoother, taste better, and more. You can also use Kief to make some really smooth cannabis butter.
When you’re packing your bowl, make sure that you don’t pack it too dense, but also not too light. Too dense and it won’t burn all that well. It still needs adequate airflow. This may be a little tricky at first to master, but the practice is key! With time you’ll figure out the best routes to packing your bowl. Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty, you won’t get anywhere without a decent attempt.
Overall you’re basically striving for taste (in the case of packing anyway). You want to be able to taste your weed, not just a bunch of ash. Ashcan taste and smell disgusting so don’t subject yourself to that torture. Do keep in mind that if you pack it wrong you’ll probably notice the taste and smell a few puffs in, rather than on the first!
Matches – Which type should I use?
Butane lighters are perhaps the most popular tool to use with respect to lighting cannabis products. What many don’t know is that butane releases a lot of fumes that really aren’t good for you. We suggest using matches as they’re easier to use (in a sense), cheaper, and actually smell pretty good.
Ignoring the fact that butane lighters release nasty fumes into your lungs, they are actually labeled as an allergen for some people. The EWG, otherwise known as the Environmental Working Group, has made several statements saying that butane can actually irritate the eyes, lungs, mouth, ears and even your throat. Just the very fact that butane can cause an allergic reaction should be enough to make you want to stay away from it.
Final Thoughts
Bong rips are a great way to get high, and is definitely an alternative to dabbing. Using a bong kind of went out of style a few years ago when dabbing was first introduced, simply because dabbing was easier to do. It was easier to get smooth hits from dabs, and harder to do with a bong. With the above suggestions, your bong rips are virtually guaranteed to be as smooth and strong as a dab hit. Not to mention the customization options for your bong are basically endless now.
By following our suggestions, not only are you getting a smoother and more silky hit, but you’re bettering your health. Less harmful fumes are released into your lungs. Less ash is accidentally inhaled, and the smoke itself is a lot cooler.
We hope this article motivated you to go back to using bongs. Bong rips were always fun, and now they can continue to be!