All You Need To Know About Smoking CBD

Smoking (CBD) is one of the quickest and most effective ways to experience all the benefits of CBD. CBD is well known to be “non-psychoactive,” the fact is that any substance that can have a direct effect on the function of your brain is actually considered to be psychoactive. There is a lot of evidence of the medical benefits associated with CBD. Additionally, CBD is quite commonly used to manage anxiety and to bring relief to patients who suffer from chronic insomnia.

CBD can be infused into a host of different products. It can be infused into edibles, CBD oil tinctures, vape juice and capsules. CBD tinctures are used strictly for ingestion, while CBD oil is formulated for inhalation. CBD can reduce the high associated with cannabis, that high is as a result of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) preventing your body from being able to break it down. Smoking CBD, the increasingly popular cannabis compound, is not the only way it can be consumed. Smoking CBD is believed to be one of the most effective ways to reap all the benefits associated with this non-intoxicating cannabinoid. 

The method of CBD consumption plays a key role in how long it will take for you to experience the effects of CBD. Inhalation is known as an effective CBD delivery method due to the fact that it is quickly absorbed in the body. When you smoke or vape CBD, cannabinoids are directed to the lungs and are quickly absorbed into your bloodstream then put into circulation throughout your body. CBD will reach peak concentrations in plasma within just 3 minutes of consumption. A study conducted in 2007 states that CBD can be detected in your body up to 72 hours after you smoke. In a different study, people were given soft-gelatin capsules with cannabis extract which contained 1.35 milligrams of CBD and 2.5 milligrams of THC. The researchers found that CBD was detectable in the bloodstream for only up to 6 hours after ingestion. 

CBD’s potential medical benefits

George Espinosa / Flickr

There is abundant research on the potential medical benefits of CBD. The research includes scientific evidence for its effectiveness in treating epilepsy by reducing the frequency of seizures. CBD is commonly used to treat depression and anxiety, as well as to provide relief to those suffering from insomnia. While some consumers prefer to have their CBD orally administered or topically applied, others find that inhaling the compound is the most effective method of consumption for them. Many patients typically prefer smoking CBD using a pipe, a vape pen or a joint. CBD can, of course, also be taken by simply swallowing it in pill form or having it administered through a lotion or tincture. However, vaping or smoking CBD provides unique benefits that are generally lacking in other forms of consumption. 

What is the difference between smoking CBD and THC?

To be high, or not to be high? That is the question. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and CBD are two of the most prevalent compounds among all the 113 identified cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. CBD is, in fact, the second most concentrated cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant. Saying that CBD is “non-psychoactive” is somewhat misleading, a more accurate way of describing CBD is to say it is a non-intoxicating substance. Any substance that can have a direct effect on your brain function is considered to be psychoactive, CBD this does to a certain extent. 

CBD and THC both interact with your body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS). The endocannabinoid system refers to the group of cannabinoid receptors that are found throughout your body. These cannabinoid receptors are found in the immune system, the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system. To produce a high, THC actually binds with the CB1 receptors located in the brain. CBD has been found to have quite the opposite interaction with the body’s CB1 receptors, it acts as an antagonist. That is where the key difference between THC and CBC lies. To sum it up, CBD is extracted from the cannabis or hemp plant and is a non-intoxicating compound. This means that it does not give you a high when you use it by itself or together with other non-intoxicating substances.

Is smoking CBD safe?

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There is a definite need for some more research to be done to determine the effectiveness of various CBD consumption methods. Most of the evidence available suggests that when you vape or smoke CBD by itself you will not experience any intoxicating side effects. The primary concern for patients who rely on this compound is getting unadulterated CBD. People who prefer smoking CBD are concerned about the possible long term effects on the lungs. It is important to mention that smoking cannabis and even smoking high-CBD strains, can possibly lead to respiratory issues. A study conducted in 2007 looked into self-reported respiratory symptoms in people who used cannabis and cigarettes. The study published in the Harm Reduction Journal found that using a vape could actually decrease respiratory symptoms people who regularly smoke cannabis. Smoking cannabis has been found to increase bioavailability. This refers to the proportion of a drug as it enters the circulatory system in your body. A 2017 study that was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed an alarmingly wide range of CBD concentrations when they tested products purchased online. 26% of the tested products contained less CBD than was indicated on the label. According to the study, this could negate the anticipated positive clinical response. 

Some of the issues associated with smoking CBD have to do with public attention and CBD vapes. However, those issues may likely stem from over poor regulation of the vaping market. On August 23, 2019, an Illinois patient became the first known person to die as a result of a mysterious lung illness associated with vaping. The patient’s death occurred just as doctors and hospitals nationwide were reporting an increased number of cases of respiratory illnesses related to vaping. Over the summer, there were 193 reported cases in 22 states, according to a New York Times report.

What are the benefits of smoking CBD?

As we mentioned above, smoking CBD has been discovered to increase bioavailability. When medication is administered through methods other than intravenously, the bioavailability rate then naturally drops. This is because of incomplete absorption and first-pass metabolism. This is when the concentration of a drug becomes reduced before it reaches the body’s circulatory system. Smoking CBD has been found to increase absorption. A 2017 study published by Human Cannabinoid Pharmacokinetics found that smoking produces an efficient and rapid way of drug delivery. However, bioavailability can vary depending on how you smoke the CBD, that is, the inhalation volume, duration, hold time and spacing of puffs. 

When ingested, CBD is first of all sent through your digestive tract then metabolized in the liver. In the liver, the CBD is broken down before it is finally sent into your bloodstream. This process is known as the first-pass effect. The first-pass effect happens when cytochrome P450 (also known as CYP450) oxidases enzymes in your liver. This then reduces the CBD concentration and sends the remaining CBD to your bloodstream and eventually it is sent throughout the body. The permeability of CBD becomes tenfold higher than that of THC when it is applied topically to your skin, with this application it peaks after 90 minutes. 

Evidence from some clinical trials shows that one of the benefits of CBD is that it can aid those who want to quit smoking regular cigarettes. A study done by researchers at the University College of London in 2013 found that CBD, in fact, reduced the number of cigarettes smoked by participants by around 40%. 

How does it feel to smoke CBD?

The effects of smoking CBD are different based on the product consumed and the individual. For instance, if you dab a pure CBD isolate you will likely experience different effects than if you hit a high-CBD vape pen that contains some THC as well. While CBD does not make you feel high or intoxicated, it does provide a deep sense of relaxation, calm and well-being. CBD can make some consumers feel happy, generally at ease, relaxed, sleepy, or even energetic. Although there are no serious side effects that have been reported with CBD if you consume too much of the compound you can experience fatigue, nausea and irritability. In addition to an increased feeling of relaxation, smoking CBD can bring quick relief of pain and swelling. 

As we mentioned before, THC will bind with the CB1 receptors located in your brain to give you a high. On the other hand, CBD will affect various sets of receptors throughout your body. This is done by exerting an indirect influence on these multiple receptors, which in turn increases the levels of endocannabinoids that are naturally produced by the body. Added to a feeling of relaxation, smoking CBD has been noted to provide quick relief of swelling and pain.

Is it possible to smoke CBD oil?

Sebastián Durán / Flickr

CBD vape juice, also known as CBD vape oil, varies in concentration depending on the laws of that specific state. CBD vape oil is legal in 30 states. There are 17 states that have specific laws concerning CBD, the laws allow for a certain level of use or consumption.

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate CBD products. However, in 2018 the FDA approved the prescription use of Epidiolex, this is a purified form of CBD oil used for treating epilepsy. Rick Simpson Oil, which was named after the Canadian who developed it, is a more common form of CBD oil that is widely smoked. Rick Simpson claims that he cured his own skin cancer using the custom blend of cannabis oil. CBD products derived from marijuana plants such as Rick Simpson Oil, contain a higher concentration of THC and have the range of cannabinoids that are found in cannabis plants. 

Can CBD kill your high?

The answer to this question is not very clear. CBD has been shown to moderate a high from THC, it can do this by stopping the body from breaking it down. Some consumers say that they use CBD when they feel like they are too high and the CBD works to reduce the effects of the high. Evidence suggests that in the presence of THC, CBD does interfere with the activity of the CB1 receptor. THC and CBD are working together to affect the CB1 receptor’s activity, consumers will tend to experience a more mellow high. It is said that with the combination of THC and CBD there is a reduced chance of feeling paranoid as compared with the THC effects experienced when CBD is absent in a product. This relationship between THC and CBD is often called the entourage effect. This would explain why some combinations of terpenes and cannabinoids appear to enhance the benefits of cannabis.

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