Top 5 Weed Strains To Better Your Sex Life

Beautiful girl smokes weed

Weed can give a major boost to the most intimate part of your life

Sex is a fantastic thing, but what if we told you we could make it better? These five secret weapon strains will jumpstart and enhance your sex life.

A lot of people are very private about their sex lives, but you don’t need to be! You should be open to experiencing new things. With these secret weapon strains, you’ll experience something very new. Sex that will blow your mind, and keep you up all night. Not only that, but these strains will enhance the already great benefits of sexual relations. We’ve included a list of these benefits below.

  • Maintaining Your Immune System: Your immune system is known to be stronger in those who have regular sex compared to those who don’t. Just make sure you use protection, sexually transmitted diseases are definitely not good for your immune system! I suppose we should say SAFE sex applies here.
  • Bladder Control: This particular benefit is for women. Interestingly, more sex women have meant more control over the bladder they have.
  • Reducing Blood Pressure: Known to be true for both genders.
  • Heart Attacks: No sex will not cause heart attacks (unless you’re going super crazy which we don’t recommend) but instead prevent them!
  • You’ll Sleep Better: People who have a lot of sex have been known to sleep great compared to people who don’t have much sex.
  • Prostate Cancer: Reduces the risk of prostate cancer in men!

It’s been proven over and over again that having sex a lot will actually increase your libido. For those unfamiliar, libido refers to the urge or need to have sexual relations. The more sex you have, the higher this urge will become. This is where cannabis plays a massive role. Marijuana is known to increase your libido to stupidly high levels. Not only does this mean you’ll be having a lot more fun in bed, but the list of benefits you read above will all be enhanced. Marijuana is also known to reduce any anxiety you may feel with respect to sex. Let’s be honest, for some it’s stressful, but it doesn’t have to be that way!

What we’re claiming here is not pure fiction. It’s actually based on science! In 2017, a study was published by Sun and Eisenberg in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. The study found that those who regularly smoke weed had about 20% more sex than those who didn’t. The study was done by surveying over 50 thousand people. The study also found that weed helps men fight off various sexual malfunctions. Erectile dysfunction for example (basically means a man isn’t able to get fully hard, or hard at all). The study also found that women were twice as likely to orgasm when having sex while high on weed. Not only will orgasms be twice as likely, but they’ll be twice as long! A lot of participants in the survey reported the orgasms they experienced were amazing compared to regular ones.

Keep in mind that research is still being conducted, so none of the scientific theories are concrete just yet. Hopefully, in time, more information will come forward, but for now, let’s focus on what we do know. The following five strains are excellent for enhancing your sex life. We’ve detailed each one below.

Strain Number One – Sour Diesel

This particular strain is a sativa-dominant strain, meaning it has intense cerebral effects. This particular sativa-dominant strain is known for its relatively high THC content of 22%, and can actually end up being two powerful for a lot of people. We want to start by mentioning that beginner cannabis user should only consume small amounts of Sour Diesel at first so they don’t suffer from sudden anxiety.

Sour Diesel is a fan favorite among cannabis users overall because it smells and tastes a lot like bitter diesel. The flavor and scent have been found to be quite addicting. Not to mention the complete lack of couch lock. This lack of couch lock is a huge asset because if you were couch-locked, sex becomes very difficult! Instead, you’re hit with crazy euphoria and an immense surge in libido.

A lot of guys like sour diesel because it’s been known to increase sexual stamina. The high itself is reported to last up to five hours, which gives you plenty of time to impress your partner. Just try not to keep it up for five hours, that’s a little much (you may also need to see a doctor if you’re able to do so).

Strain Number Two – Harlequin

Harlequin is a favorite for couples who love to have sex in the mornings. Most of the time the strain is used by people who need a jump start to their morning, but others prefer sex. Harlequin is a sativa dominant strain that contains high levels of both THC and CBD. The mixture makes the strain highly potent and puts your libido into overdrive.

Most users who’ve had sex while high on Harlequin have described the experience as phenomenal or legendary. Not only will you start your day with plenty of energy, but with a whole lot of orgasms as well. Harlequin electrifies the entire experience. Makes your nerves tingle with excitement, and more.

Do keep in mind that this strain doesn’t nearly last as long as others, meaning you can smoke and have some fun before work without being high for the first few hours of your workday. Try Harlequin with your partner, and be ready to start your day with a boom!

Strain Number Three – Dream Queen

This particular strain has a high that hits you very quickly. The strain is known to increase your libido, as well as your sexual stamina. The strain is a favorite among men who suffer from moderately severe erectile dysfunction. Dream Queen is a sativa dominant strain like the others on this list and is known for its high THC content around 22% (you can get Dream Queen with lower THC if you’d like, but the effects won’t be as strong).

A lot of users report that everything they feel is so much stronger than when they’ve had sex while sober. Scientists claim this could be due to the release of dopamine and serotonin into the brain while you’re both having sex and high on weed.

Keep in mind that after you do the deed, you’re both very likely to feel tired, so don’t smoke it in the middle of the day! After getting down and dirty, you’ll sleep like you never have before. Perfect for couples looking to bang one out before bed!

Strain Number Four – Blue Cheese

This particular strain is known for bringing out the kinky urges in people. If you and your partner are looking to spice things up a little before bed, this is the strain to use. Unlike the previous additions to this list, Blue Cheese is an indica-dominant strain that has a THC level of about 20%. This THC content is probably the least likely to give you a messy high as the strain is known for its lack of drowsiness.

If you’re going to use this strain you should expect a mild cerebral high at first, and a blazingly strong body high a few puffs in. Once this high starts, your libido is going to go crazy, and many people find themselves becoming more and more adventurous (hence the kinky reputation).

The only negative side effect that people list for this particular strain is a strong case of the munchies. Usually, this only happens after sex, but what’s better than a great orgasm and some yummy snacks afterward?

Strain Number Five – Goo

This particular strain may be named after some nasty substances, but it’s actually great for use before a dirty deed session. A lot of people think that the strain isn’t all that strong after a few hits, but about 5 minutes in many feel like they were hit by a bus (in a good way though). The strain has been known to boost your libido and make every sensation you experience 10 times stronger. You’ll feel an intense burst of energy take over and any anxiety you feel disappears. Do take note however that this strain will make you very tired afterward. Not great for people who want to bang it out like bunnies all night long.

Final Thoughts

Weed has a lot of great uses, but not many people know that sex is part of that list. We hope this list of the top five libido increasing strains helped spice up your sex life. We definitely recommend you try out these strains together, and if you’re adventurous go out and try even more! There are hundreds of strains out there, these are just our favorites! Time to get wild!

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