Weed Plant Stages

Weed Plant Stages

From the seedling stage to the flowering stage, each phase of the weed plant stages requires different care and attention. This can make growing your own weed seem intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. Watching your cannabis plant grow through the different stages is not only fun, but it can also be very rewarding. However, knowing what to expect during the different stages of weed growth is crucial if you want to get the most out of your plant.

How Many Weed Plant Stages Are There?

When growing marijuana from seed there are four stages of cannabis growth:

  • Germination Stage (3 to 14 days);
  • Seedling Stage (2 to 3 weeks);
  • Vegetative Stage (3 to 16 weeks);
  • Flowering Stage (8 to 11 weeks).

Each stage is unique and requires different care and attention to ensure proper growth and development of the plant. Understanding these stages is important for any cannabis grower who wants to achieve the best possible harvest.

Germination Stage

The start of the cannabis plant’s journey begins with the germination stage. Germinating seeds  will usually take anywhere between 3 to 14 days. They need lots of moisture, warmth, and sunlight. Once the seed sprouts, it’s time to transfer it to a growing medium if you didn’t germinate in soil directly. At this point, the tap root starts to grow down into the soil and the initial stalk of the seedling will grow upwards.

As the seedling unfolds itself from the protective casing of the seed, two rounded cotyledon leaves will appear on the stem. These leaves play the crucial role of absorbing sunlight for the plant’s healthy and stable development. As the roots start to develop, the stalk will continue to rise until the weed fan leaves begin to grow. At this point, your weed plant can be considered a seedling.

Seedling Stage

The next stage of the weed plant growth cycle is the seedling stage, which lasts for about 2 to 3 weeks. This is when your weed plant is most vulnerable to risks like pests that may eat the taproot or the leaves. It is also very delicate so it can easily be overwatered or given too many nutrients.

As the cannabis plant continues to grow as a seedling, its leaves will develop more blades. These blades can come in 3, 5, or 7 leaflets, depending on the genetic makeup of the plant. A mature weed plant will generally have between 5 and 7 blades per leaf. Seedlings are considered in their early stage until they develop leaves with the full amount of blades on their new fan leaves.

Vegetative Stage

Vegetative stage weed is when your weed plant will grow the most. This is the time when it needs the most sunlight and the right amount of nutrients to reach its full growth potential. The veg state can last anywhere between 3 and 16 weeks depending on the strain and your growing conditions. During this growth period, the plant will require more nitrogen to grow green vibrant leaves. As it grows larger, it will require more water to absorb the nutrients in your soil or other growing medium.

Flowering Stage

The cannabis flowering stage is where the magic really starts to happen and lasts about 8 to 11 weeks. This is when you get to see the buds growing. It’s also when the plant is the strongest and can fight off most diseases or pests naturally. As the buds are growing, the plant will begin to produce more terpenes, often filling your growing space with the sweet aroma of weed.

Within the cannabis flowering stage are 3 substages of the flowering process.

Flower Initiation (Weeks 1-3)

  • White hairs called pistils develop
  • Pistils develop into pre-flowers
  • Sex organs develop, so weed out any males

Mid-Flowering (Weeks 4-5)

  • The plant stops growing and focus shifts to bud development
  • Buds begin to get larger

Late Flowering/Ripening (Week 6 and Beyond)

  • Trichomes form and the buds get sticky
  • Keep an eye on pistil color to determine harvest time

Each strain is a little different, but pistils will change color from white to a darker color as it matures, indicating when the buds are ready for harvest. No matter what strain you’re growing, the stages of the plant’s life cycle will be the same. It’s only the time in each stage that varies.

If you’d like to learn more about growing your own weed, check out our Top 10 Questions on Cannabis Growing Answered, and come back for more tips as we continue our how to grow the best weed series.

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