Smoking Kief – What’s The Best Way To Smoke It?

When you first start smoking weed, it’s easy to get confused by all of the new lingo and different terms being thrown around. Kief is one of those terms that might have you scratching your head the first time you hear it, and smoking kief might have you puzzled even more.

Kief is known to have a high cannabinoid profile, and for that reason, a lot of people collect as much of it as they can. If you’re completely new to cannabis, you’ll want to keep reading so you get a better idea of what kief is, how to use it, and what methods you can smoke it in. A lot of people like to sprinkle a little bit of kief on their bud to add an extra kick to it.

What Is Kief?

Sometimes you’ll see people spelling kief like ‘keef’, and it’s basically just the resin glands that you see on cannabis buds. Kief is known to be rich in THC, and as you might be aware, THC is what produces the psychoactive effects in users, or the “high”. Kief can somewhat be thought of as the pollen of cannabis because of its crystal-like nature.

The trichomes of the cannabis plant are what provide kief with the potency that it has. Trichomes are known to contain the largest concentration of cannabinoids in comparison to any other part of the cannabis plant. Kief is usually a shade of green. If you have kief that’s a lighter shade of green, then you’ll be glad to know that that’s a higher quality kief. If your kief is a darker shade of green, then that means your kief has more plant matter in it.

When people create a hash, they have to gather all of the kief from the cannabis. Once that’s done, they press then later heat the kief into blocks.

What’s The Best Way To Collect Kief?

Kief can be gathered from cannabis through a couple of different methods. The easiest and most efficient way to collect kief is to use a multi-chambered grinder.

The process of collecting kief with a grinder is simple. All you have to do is fill your grinder up with cannabis and then start grinding it. The kief from the cannabis will naturally fall into the kief collector portion of the grinder. After that, you’ll want to get a coin and then place it in the grinder. Then, place both of them in the freezer for a good 15 minutes. Once the 15 minutes is up, take the grinder out of the freezer and give it a good shake. You should have a decent amount of kief when you open the grinder.

How To Smoke Kief

Now that you know what kief is and how to collect it, what’s the best way to smoke kief? Smoking kief can be done in a number of ways, and you can also consume it in edible form. Many people like to add kief to their coffee because the heat from the liquid will decarboxylate the weed and that’s what will lead to psychoactive effects.

Many people also like to make kief butter, and that can be spread over many different foods. Purchasing canna-butter can cost a pretty penny, and many people like to resort to making their own for that reason.

Maybe Vape Instead?

Using a dry herb vaporizer is another efficient way to consume kief. A vape will turn the terpenes and cannabinoids into a vapor when you inhale it, and that can lead to a good high. If you don’t have a vaporizer, you can also consume kief with some of the other conventional methods.

Smoking Kief Joint

Not everyone has a vaporizer, and not everyone has the time to be making edibles with kief. For those reasons, using a joint is a very common way for smoking kief. It has a high THC content, and that means you’ll get a potent high from it.

If you’re brand to consuming cannabis, you might want to exercise some caution if you’ve never used kief before. Many people like to include a little bit of kief in their joints, but some people that have been using cannabis for many years will make joints made entirely of kief.

If you just want to add a little bonus to your joint, try sprinkling some kief on it. Exercise some caution while you’re sprinkling, because kief isn’t super easy to sprinkle. Because of that, lots of people will just mix the kief right in with the joint when they’re rolling it.

Another way to include kief with your joint is to moisten part of the joint on the outside and then just sprinkle the kief right onto the part that you just moistened.

Using A Pipe Or A Bong for Smoking Kief

You can also consume kief with a pipe or a bong, and it’s even better if the kief is in the form of hash. If you don’t want to turn your kief into a hash, you can always just sprinkle some of it right on top of your dry bud that’s sitting in your bowl. Again, if you’re new to smoking cannabis, you might want to start off low and see how it’ll affect you before sprinkling a huge portion on the bowl.

No one wants to have an unpleasant high. People consume cannabis for the positive experiences of it, not the negative. This is why you’ll have to exercise caution when you’re using kief. It’s a potent substance that needs to be dosed properly. If you don’t, you could risk dealing with some symptoms that might turn you off smoking weed for a while.

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