Weed Gives Me A Headache – Does This Happen To You?

Sometimes people will visit their doctor saying, “weed gives me a headache”. A doctor’s reply will most likely be to tell the patient to stop smoking it, but it isn’t always that easy if the patient is using medicinal cannabis for other purposes. Sometimes you hear of people using cannabis to help get rid of migraines and other pain, so it can cause some confusion as to why it can also cause a headache in certain people.

Weed Headache — Explained

Smoking weed for a headache has been a treatment that dates way back to Assyrian manuscripts. Cannabis was also prescribed for headaches throughout the times of ancient Greece. Cannabis was also used for headaches in North America until its use was prohibited in 1937. The physician for Queen Victoria was one of the notable ones that mentioned that cannabis is helpful for headaches.

With all of the above-mentioned facts stating how widely cannabis has been used for headaches, why are people still getting a headache from smoking weed? Why is it helping some people and hurting others?

A headache from weed has even gotten its own term called “weedache”. Some experts state that getting a headache after smoking weed can be one of the symptoms of a weed hangover. Experts also state that any minor fluctuations in brain activity can lead to people experiencing headaches.

What Are Some Causes Of A Weed Headache?

Getting a headache after consuming cannabis can be very annoying, and there are a few reasons why it could be happening to you.

Marijuana Headache From Not Drinking Enough Fluids

There’s a lot of literature out there stating that consuming cannabis can sometimes lead to dehydration, and dehydration in itself is known to be a very common cause of headaches. Smoking weed is known to cause cottonmouth, and that feels very similar to what dehydration feels like. The only difference is that cottonmouth is only specific to the mouth, and that doesn’t really lead to it being a recognizable symptom of dehydration.

A health writer mentioned that a cannabis headache is nothing more than just dehydration that leads to a headache that happens to be at the same time when a person has consumed cannabis.

Another thing that can cause headaches is smoke being present in the lungs. When you’re lighting up cannabis in your bong and inhaling, you’re breathing in combusted material. For people that are sensitive to smoke, there’s no surprise why it could eventually lead to a headache.

Weed Purchased On The Street

If you’re purchasing your weed from some random person on the street, you have no idea if the weed was grown with the use of pesticides and other contaminants. It could also just be an extremely low-quality weed that you purchased.

Poor Diet While High

When people smoke weed, they tend to develop an appetite, and that appetite might not always be for healthy food. Many people will dive for a bag of potato chips or a package of bacon to fulfill their cravings instead of healthier foods. There are certain foods that are known to cause headaches in about 10% of people:

  • Bananas
  • Beans
  • Chocolate
  • Citrus fruits
  • Nuts

Another reason why weed and a headache might be correlated is if you’re out partying with friends and smoking weed at the same time. Loud music and an overly stimulated environment can cause headaches in some people.

What Are Some Ways To Prevent A Weed Headache The Next Day?

When you’re smoking weed, always remember to stay hydrated. When you’re high, you shouldn’t all of a sudden start doing things out of the ordinary that you wouldn’t do sober. Chugging a 2 liter bottle of pop because it tastes better when you’re high isn’t recommended.

You’ll want to be consuming good-quality cannabis. Purchase your cannabis from a dispensary or a highly trusted source. A lot of people that purchase medicinal marijuana will get strains that have a higher CBD content. Strains with a high CBD content are known to assist people dealing with inflammation, migraines, and other symptoms. If you’re concerned

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