What Are Swishers And What’s Involved In Rolling A Swisher?

The world of cannabis is filled with hundreds of different terms that many people outside of the cannabis culture know nothing about. One of those terms is a “swisher”. What is a swisher? A swisher is basically just another word used to refer to a blunt because of the wrappers being used. If you’re brand new to cannabis, you might not even know what a blunt is yet. A blunt can be thought of as just a very large joint. Many people will use an empty cigar to place weed inside and then smoke. They are widely used when there are a group of people hanging out. What’s involved in rolling a swisher?

How To Roll A Swisher

Learning how to roll a swisher blunts or how to roll a cigar with weed in it is something that can take some time to learn. The same goes with rolling joints. Not many people can just pick up some rolling paper and some weed and be an instant pro. It’s something that takes practice and time to get it just right.

There are a couple of things you’ll need to start rolling swisher sweet blunts:

  • Your cannabis
  • Swisher sweets blunt wraps or a cigar
  • Grinder (this isn’t mandatory, but will really help you bust up the weed)

1. Start Busting Up Your Weed

Busted-up cannabis always burns more efficiently than a bunch of large chunks. If you have a grinder, you’ll save yourself a lot of time in comparison to using scissors or your hands. Using your hands to break up cannabis will result in a mess and potentially even a headache.

2. Gather The Blunt Wrapper

You’ll now get your blunt wrapper to begin the rolling process. If you have a cigar or cigarillo, you can also empty the contents inside of it and use that, but you should be able to find wraps at any convenience store.

Having a sharp knife handy will allow you to slice through the blunt in a lengthwise fashion. If you don’t have a knife, you can also just use your fingers to break it open. After you’ve gotten a nice split through the blunt, you’ll empty out the tobacco inside of it and toss it away. For those that like an extra kick, you can always use the tobacco to mix it with the weed or just use the tobacco later.

3. Begin Moistening The Blunt Wrap

The blunt wrap is much more manageable if it’s a tiny bit moist, and it’s especially important for rolling a swisher. You can either use some regular tap water or saliva if you don’t have access to any water nearby.

4. Begin Filling Up The Blunt

At this point, you can get your cannabis and start filling up the blunt wrap with it. You should be able to get by with about two grams of weed. If you’re with a bunch of people, you can add in however much you’d like.

5. Start Rolling The Blunt

At this point, you’ll begin to start rolling up the cannabis using your fingers. The blunt wrap should be moistened nicely so that it doesn’t end up cracking apart. Once you’ve filled up the blunt with cannabis, you’ll tuck the blunt wrap under and around to the other moistened side edge.

If you see any wrinkles on the blunt, just slide your fingers along it. If you start noticing cracks on your blunt, try using some gummy adhesive to bandage it back together.

6. Drying Out The Blunt

Once the blunt is all rolled and sealed up, you’ll need to dry it out so that it burns nicely the entire time. A quick way to dry out your blunt is to just use your lighter against the seam of the blunt. Ensure that your lighter isn’t getting very close to the blunt. You don’t want to be burning the blunt, you just want to dry it out.

7. Light It Up

Of course, the last step is to light up your blunt and enjoy it. It’ll take some time before you get the entire process perfect. It’s good to practice on smaller joints, and over time, you’ll be able to roll the perfect blunts.

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