A Guide On How To Make Weed Butter With Trimmings

If you’ve been trying to figure out how to make weed butter with trimmings for a while now, you’ve come to the right place. Cannabutter is commonly used to make many different types of. Some people decide to not even try these recipes because they tend to get confused at some point along the way. Not everyone is aware that cannabis has to be activated in order to produce the high when you eat an edible. In order to activate cannabis, it just needs to be heated up at a low temperature.

Best Way To Make Cannabutter

If you’re still wanting to learn the best way on how to make cannabutter with trimmings, you’ll need to learn what decarboxylation is. Although the word sounds complicated, the process is actually fairly simple.

There is one tricky thing to keep in mind when it comes to edibles, and that’s dosing. If you follow this guide, you should be able to get a better handle on dosing properly, but this isn’t a guarantee that you’ll be able to get it perfect every single time.

How To Make Weed Butter With Shake

There are a variety of different ways to make a cannabutter. Some people like to make slow cooker cannabutter, and the directions for that recipe will follow the traditional saucepan method.

Butter is known to be a good carrier for THC, and that’s why it’s widely used in many edible recipes. THC binds to fat very efficiently, and this makes it easier for your body to absorb it. When you’re going through this recipe, you’ll need to keep in mind that butter can burn quickly, so watch it closely when you’re cooking.

There are a few things you’ll need to get started:

  • 1 cup of butter
  • Between 7 and 10 grams of grounded decarboxylated weed

As mentioned earlier, many people get confused about the decarboxylation process, but if you don’t do it, your cannabutter will be extremely weak or might not even produce any psychoactive effects at all.

What’s Decarboxylation? THCA is a cannabinoid that weed plants produce. The majority of people think that the weed plants just produce THC, but THCA is what converts into THC when it is heated up. The heat is what activates it, so that’s why you need to put your weed into the oven.

You might see some edible recipes stating that you should decarboxylate your weed right in the hot butter. This method works, but your cannabutter won’t have as good of a flavor, and that’s why you should just decarboxylate your weed in the oven.

Now, for the step-by-step process:

Decarboxylate Your Weed

  • Set your oven to 245 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Put all of your weed on an oven tray (for best results use one that is non-stick).
  • Put some parchment paper over the tray.
  • Slide the tray into the oven.
  • You’ll want to leave the weed in the oven for about 35 minutes. If the cannabis you’re using is dry, it might be done sooner. This method is the slower one. If you’re not as patient, try setting your oven to 300 degrees Fahrenheit and cook for 15 minutes.
  • After that, gently give the tray a little shape back and forth in 10-minute intervals so that all of the surfaces of the cannabis will be cooked.
  • You can now grind up the decarboxylated weed.

Melt Your Butter

  • Get a cup of water and a cup of butter and place them in your saucepan.
  • Put the saucepan on the stove at very low heat. To prevent it from burning, add some water every now and then. Keep a close eye on it to ensure it doesn’t burn.
  • Once the butter starts melting, you can place the ground weed into the saucepan.
  • You’ll want to give the mixture about 2 or 3 hours to simmer at a temperature between 160 to 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Never let it begin boiling. Go and watch a movie and come back to the saucepan and give it a stir every once in a while.
  • After that, you can strain the mixture using a cheesecloth. You don’t want to be exerting any force when trying to strain it through the cheesecloth.
  • Once that’s done, put the cannabutter in your fridge. Take a look at it every now and then. If you happen to see any water beginning to develop around the base of it, drain it, but don’t attempt to drain it until the cannabutter has had a chance to cool off in the fridge for about 1 hour.

You’ll now want to start dosing your cannabutter.

Slow Cooker Weed Butter

If you’re wanting to make cannabutter in a slow cooker, here are the directions:

  • Grind up your cannabis.
  • Put your slow cooker on a low heat setting. In the same way, as you added water to the saucepan above to prevent burning, you’ll want to add some water to your slow cooker, as well.
  • Put the ground weed into the butter and make sure to stir it every once in a while.
  • Turn the slow cooker off after around 3 hours and give the cannabutter a chance to cool off.
  • Strain in the same way as you did above.

The overall potency of the cannabutter will depend on the length of time you cooked it for, and the temperature level you cooked it at. If you want to figure out the potency of your cannabutter, get a small cracker, spread some cannabutter on it, and then eat it. Wait about an hour to see how you feel. If you don’t feel anything, you’ll know that you should use a heavier dose.

Figuring out your baseline is a good way to see how much you’re comfortable with when it comes to consuming edibles. No one wants to be spending hours making cannabutter or any other edibles only to accidentally consume too much and have an uncomfortable experience.

What To Make With Weed Butter

Weed butter can be used to make dozens and dozens of recipes:

  • Pie
  • Pasta
  • Popcorn
  • Brownies
  • Muffins
  • Ganja Nachos

Feel free to get creative when it comes to baking or cooking with your weed butter. You can use your weed butter as a substitute for regular butter with whatever recipe you are interested in.

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