The Best Place to Get an Education in Cannabis Culture

The cannabis culture and industry have been growing fast, owing to the rapid spread of cannabis legalization. Because of this, a lot of people want a job in the industry. However, not many know where to start. Most know that you need a decent education to succeed in your field, which makes universities and colleges the go to place for many. But interestingly enough, most of the large scale Universities and Colleges don’t provide marijuana related majors, let alone cannabis culture studies.

So which institutions should these people visit? Institutions like Clover Leaf University are the ultimate route. Colleges and universities are popping up everywhere that specialize in cannabis education. Unfortunately for applicants, there is a super high demand for these relatively small colleges, making the applicant requirements super high and super competitive. 

The logic behind a cannabis related major is interesting, but many ask about whether or not it’s worth chasing. Will a degree or diploma really help you get a job in the field? Many argue that the industry itself represents a new breed of experience. One that takes a step back from the traditional University route, and a step forwards towards first-hand experience and volunteer work. This in itself is interesting because marijuana has been illegal for a very long time. How is someone supposed to get the needed experience through legal means? 

In this article, we’re going to take you through 5 of the most impressive cannabis colleges out there. To clarify, these colleges are all based online. We’ll describe what each of the institutions does, as well as include the perspectives of people who’ve actually gone there. Hopefully, these people will be able to answer our questions relating to the importance of certification. Do we really need it to get a job? Or is it just a waste of money?

Disclaimer – All information and perspectives shown are opinions! Not a fact! Read this with a grain of salt knowing other people’s opinions could quite possibly differ from the ones shown in this article. 

Oaksterdam University – A Cannabis Institution

Su puloo / Unsplash

This particular listing is known by many to be one of the first cannabis schools ever established in the United States. The online institution is based in California and was initially founded in 2007. Some even claim that the school had ties to educational programs back in the 1990s. Oaksterdam University offers classes either in person like your typical college or university, or online (do keep in mind that your average Universities and colleges do the same). Most of the courses that are offered to students promise a curriculum centered around the growth of weed. Essentially courses on Cannabis Horticulture. Do keep in mind that this particular institution focuses solely on indoor growing rather than outdoor growing.

In order to get a certification in cannabis horticulture, you’ll need to take a course that lasts 180 days. The course consists of 35 lectures and 9 assessments. In order to take the course, you’ll be required to pay a fee of approximately $1,000. 

Below we’ve put together the pros and cons from the perspective of Oaksterdam Alumni (people who’ve graduated from the school). The following information is review based, and should be considered as opinions, nothing more. 

Oaksterdam University – The Pros

According to students who graduated from Oaksterdam, the curriculum taught was very informative. Students who claimed to have a tremendous amount of knowledge on the topic reportedly were blown away by the amount that they simply didn’t know. Other students were overjoyed with the actual hands-on nature of the course. Students reportedly got to study dozens of strains with the plant right in front of them. That’s not something many will ever be able to do. 

One student who graduated and is now reportedly able to grow cannabis efficiently, can clone the plants, harvest them, and even germinate them. Students are taught the entire process, rather than just one aspect. According to those we interviewed, the university takes a holistic approach towards the cannabis growing process. Everything from flowering phases to germination is included in their curriculum. That’s not just cannabis culture — that’s cannabis practice.

Some of the more experienced students claimed that although the course only refined their skills, they were able to network with other students and professionals. This opportunity to network was reportedly super valuable, as it opened up a lot of jobs in the industry. 

Oaksterdam University – The Cons

Many students claim that the textbook isn’t necessarily needed. Many are able to further research online, saving them the money for a brand new textbook. Some students claimed that they had trouble with the learning techniques used. Overall the number of cons ended up being significantly lower than the pros. Therefore, we’d definitely recommend this institution!

Cannabis Training University

Vasily Koloda / Unsplash

Many prefer the Cannabis Training University over Oaksterdam because they offer a lot more courses, whereas Oaksterdam only offers one. This particular listing offers what’s known as a Master of Marijuana Certificate. The master program encompasses 7 unique courses in which students will learn about everything in intense detail. The master program costs about $250, which is significantly less than Oaksterdam’s single course. 

We’ve put together a list of all programs offered by Cannabis Training University. Keep in that these courses are all under the Master of Marijuana program. Completion of each course will award you a certificate called the Master of Marijuana Certificate. 

  • Growing Marijuana: Includes indoor growing and outdoor growing. The entire process is included.
  • Marijuana Cooking & Extractions: Students will learn how to extract the most valuable parts of the plant in order to make delicious and powerful products through simple cooking. 
  • Marijuana Laws & Regulations: This course is of significant importance because cannabis laws and regulations are always changing and adapting. Students need to figure out how they’re changing, and how to keep track of new legislation. 
  • Marijuana Dispensary and Delivery Service Management: This course is perfect for students looking to obtain a management job within the cannabis industry.
  • Becoming a Budtender: Essential Skills Training
  • Medical Marijuana
  • Cannabis Jobs, Business Plans, and Resumes

Below we’ve put together a list of pros and cons with respect to the Cannabis Training University. Each pro and con are the opinion of a student who studied at the Cannabis Training University. Each opinion should be taken with a grain of salt, as other opinions that aren’t documented may contradict certain facts. 

Cannabis Training University – The Pros

  • Affordable: The majority of reviews we’ve seen with respect to the Cannabis Training University all regard how affordable the course is. At approximately $250 this institution’s program is way cheaper than that of Oaksterdam University. Students haven’t nailed down solid jobs just yet. They need to finish school before that! The common joke that students are broke is usually true! They shouldn’t be charged tremendous amounts! Most can’t afford it. 
  • Informative: This one was to be expected. The courses they offer are incredibly informative because they cover everything! Check out the above list of courses if you don’t believe me! 
  • Great Quality Exams: The exams were reportedly very well done. The content was exactly what had been taught to the students, as were actually enjoyable to write according to some students (I’m sure it’ll be a different story though if you don’t study!). 
  • Great Quality Quizzes: The overall assessments that students were responsible for completing were reportedly very well orchestrated and organized. Not only were they very well-graded and marked, but they reportedly set students up for success. 

Cannabis Training University – The Cons

  • The Certificate: Many graduates pointed out that their certificate wasn’t recognized by a lot of employers as there’s no comparable certificate. Fortunately, as the industry continues to grow, so will the recognition of marijuana related certifications and degrees. 
  • Online Course: Online courses are still frowned upon in the academic community. As technology improves, this will hopefully be lessened.  
  • No Hands-On Training

Clover Leaf University

Jordan Encarnacao / Unsplash

Clover Leaf University is the first-ever cannabis related educational institution in the state of Colorado. As they are the first to be accredited by the state, they hold up the standards for cannabis education. They were licensed by the Colorado Department of Higher Education and are regulated by them as well. 

Clover Leaf curriculum is currently all in person, which sits well with the academic community. They offer a large variety of courses, and unlike Cannabis Training Centre where you had to take all of them, Clover Leaf University lets you pick your courses. This way students are able to pad their resume with what they want in it. Courses include hands on work, workshops, labs, seminars, and lectures. 

Clover Leaf University is reportedly going to offer online courses as soon as they’re online infrastructure is set up and completed. 

Below we’ve included the pros and cons of Clover Leaf University. Please keep in mind that all of the information below has been taken from graduates of Clover Leaf University. Each statement is based off of the opinion of these students and may be contradicted by undocumented opinions. 

Clover Leaf University – The Pros

  • Affordable: For individual certifications, the prices average out at $300. Students tend to be broke so this is definitely an asset!
  • Approved by the State: No question of academic legitimacy.
  • Maintain Cannabis Specific Certificates

Clover Leaf University – The Cons

The only con that’s become present is the lack of online courses. Fortunately, online courses are promised to be offered in the near future for students. The institution is still developing its online infrastructure, which is to be expected when considering the industry itself is still in its developing stages. 

Trichome Institute — Cannabis Culture as It Is

Mimi Thian / Unsplash

This particular institution is based out of Denver, yet also offers online courses to citizens of Oregon. Similarly to the Cannabis Training School, the Trichome Institute is an online institution. They offer three courses, all of which are taught online. These courses are as follows: Cannabis Product and Sales Training, Interpening (Interpening simply refers to studying the actual structure and inner workings of a cannabis plant), and Responsible Vendor. These courses are designed to allow students to succeed in a rapidly expanding cannabis culture and industry. 

Trichome Institute may not have a massive selection like other additions to this list, but they pride themselves on their ability to stay super up to date with cannabis and cannabis technologies. They teach students how to use both older and brand new technologies, as well as teach students how to keep up with the rapidly expanding science of the matter, and keep up with the ever-changing cannabis culture. 

As of this article’s publication, the Trichome Institute only offers one certification. That certification is with respect to the Cannabis Product and Sales Training course. Others may be offered in the coming future in Oregon. 

Below we’ve listed the various pros and cons of the Trichome Institute. Do keep in mind that all of the below statements are based on student opinion (students who have graduated and gone onwards to look for jobs), and should be treated as such. Other undocumented opinions may contradict documented ones. 

The Trichome Institute – The Pros

  • Very Affordable: Prices average out at about $200. Cheapest price on this list.
  • Certifications Take No Time At All: Depending on skill levels, students may be able to be certified in as little as one day. 

The Trichome Institute – The Cons

  • No variety for courses: Very limited in what you’ll learn (see above for listed courses).
  • Online Institutes Frowned Upon: At times employers don’t recognize the legitimacy of online University certifications. 

THC University

Green Chameleon / Unsplash

Our last addition to this list is THC University. THC University offers a large variety of courses that are targeted towards complete beginners. The courses offered are as follows: Basics of Terpening, Basics of Budtending, Marijuana 101, Basics of Growing, Horticulture Specialist, Business in the Cannabis industry, Colorado Safety Regulations, and finally Washington Safety Regulations. Cannabis Culture is not on the list, but you’ll certainly get a dive into it nonetheless.

As you can see THC University has a large collection of available courses. The listed courses are reportedly great for beginners but aren’t all that valuable to experienced cannabis smokers. The courses are intent upon teaching the basics alone and usually act as a stepping stone towards higher education. 

Course length often depends on how much you’re willing to spend. The way it works at THC University is you buy access to their resources and courses for as long as you want. The following information is up to date as per the publication of this article. 

  • 1 Month of Access: Costs about $50;
  • 3 Months of Access: Costs about $135;
  • 6 Months of Access: Costs about $240;
  • An Entire Year of Access: Costs about $420.

Below we’ve listed the pros and cons of THC university. Keep in mind that all of the below statements are based on student opinions. The students in question have all graduated from THC university. Read these opinions with a grain of salt as they may be countered by other undocumented opinions. 

THC University – The Pros

  • This institution has actually partnered with a lot of potential employers. Their courses are based on the experience these employers are looking for. These employers are of course only looking for people to fill entry-level positions as the courses teach all of the basics. Due to this, these courses are excellent to take as a beginner. Great way to get started working in the industry.
  • Known for excellent professors and teachers.]
  • Great quizzes, tests, and other assessments.
  • Great for students who need to work at their own pace. 

THC University – The Cons

  • Some students claim that the information accessed through the course tends to be outdated. As the courses are intent upon teaching the basics, we’re under the impression that this doesn’t matter all that much. 
  • Some say the courses aren’t all that affordable. 

Will An Online Cannabis Culture Certification Get You A Job?

Brett Jordan / Unsplash

This is a question that’s asked by a lot of students. Although online certifications are generally frowned upon by old school employers, new ones embrace them. As the technological world of academics expands, a lot of employers are catching on. One thing you definitely have to keep in mind when choosing where to get your online certification (if that’s what you want), make sure the institution is recognized and licensed by the state. It would be a shame to not get any job offers simply because the institution isn’t recognized by your employers. 

Final Thoughts

With the world of cannabis expanding, it should come as no surprise that the job availability is too. To fill these jobs, however, students need experience. After reading through our institution listings, do you think the online academic route is best for you? Or would you rather take in-person courses? We hope this article helped you answer any questions you may have had, as well as point you in your desired direction. For more information, we recommend talking to an academic analyst or reaching out to employment analysts. They may be able to provide some excellent insight into the world of academia and employment in the cannabis industry.

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