Autoflower vs Feminized Seeds: Which is Best?

autoflower vs feminized

When you’re deciding on autoflower vs feminized cannabis seeds, you’ll have to carefully think about what your goals and expectations are.

Autoflower vs feminized cannabis seeds. If you’re a cannabis grower, then you’ve undoubtedly heard of these terms, but what exactly do they mean?

There are two different kinds of seeds when you’re dabbling in the cannabis world of harvesting: autoflowing and feminized. Learning more about these two methods of growing will give you a better idea of how to produce the best cannabis depending on what your goals and expectations are. Each method has advantages and disadvantages.

Autoflower Vs Feminized Seeds – The Basics

Autoflowering seeds are ones that are genetically developed to bloom on their own, and it doesn’t matter what type of light cycle is involved.

Feminized cannabis plant seeds are genetically developed to only produce feminine cannabis plants. You’ll never see a male plant resulting from these types of seeds.

If you need a lot of plants at once or want to harvest immediately, autoflowers are a terrific option. They can also be grown hydroponically because they don’t require the same amount of light as ordinary cannabis. 

However, feminized seeds are great if you want a harvest with a 50% or greater probability of being female without having to get stressed out about male plants pollinating your female plants and potentially damaging them (which can happen with autoflowering strains). 

Furthermore, you will know precisely what their genetic makeup will be when they begin to blossom if all of your ladies were fertilized by males from the same batch!

On the flip side, feminized seeds might not be the best option if your goals are to get a quick harvest right away because take longer to flower than autoflowers.

Autoflowering and feminized seeds have their uses and depending on your circumstances, you may prefer one type over another. If you want to harvest right away or want a lot of plants at once, an autoflowering strain could be a good choice. 

If you want a guaranteed crop with as many females as possible, feminized seeds are likely better for you. These are just some things to keep in mind before deciding between autoflowering and feminized seeds.

Indoor Growers

Cannabis plants known as “autoflowers” start blooming on their own, without the requirement for a shift in the light cycle. Because they can maintain a constant light cycle for their plants, this makes them perfect for indoor growers. 

Additionally, autoflowers sometimes grow smaller than standard cannabis plants, making them simpler to maintain inside. Another variety of cannabis seeds that is gaining popularity among indoor producers is feminized seeds. Since female plants generate the bulk of the buds, many gardeners choose these seeds since they are sure to result in female plants (the part of the plant that contains the THC).

The downside to feminized seeds is that they are a little pricier in comparison to regular seeds, and they’re also known to be less common, so if you have a favorite strain and don’t want to take the risk of getting male plants, it might be worth it to order your next batch of feminized seeds instead.

Autoflowers are a good choice for indoor growers because they can be grown in less-than-ideal conditions and still produce decent bud. If you’re just getting started growing your own weed, it might be worth ordering a few autoflower vs feminized seeds so you don’t have to risk getting male plants.

If you’re an experienced grower and have a reliable grow setup, then you probably won’t notice much of a difference in bud quality with autoflowers. If anything, you may actually get more bud per plant because your autoflowers won’t require as much time to flower (if they do at all). 

You might consider buying autoflower seeds if you like to take trips but don’t want to leave your plants unattended while they are flowering. Once they begin budding, they should be able to finish on their own while you’re away.

Outdoor Growers

You’ll have to decide between autoflower vs feminized cannabis seeds if you’re growing marijuana outside. Because they are thought to be simpler to maintain because they don’t require as much maintenance, autoflowering seeds are excellent for outdoor growth. 

They occasionally don’t grow as much bud as feminized seeds, though. Although they need more work to cultivate, feminized seeds usually result in more buds. 

What is the greatest option for your outdoor setup, then? 

Depending on your degree of experience and your harvesting preferences. For instance, feminized seeds are preferable if all you desire is a large yield with little effort or maintenance.

On the other hand, if you have more time and patience than money or land available, then it’s better to go with autoflowering seeds. Ultimately though, both types of seed will produce potent buds!

Growing Buds From Seeds

With autoflowering pot seeds, you’ll never have to worry about how much light exposure you have to your plants. Because of that, you can grow them in certain environments where other cannabis seeds wouldn’t be able to grow.

The one downside to autoflowers is that they are on the smaller side in comparison to feminized cannabis seeds. They can result in smaller yields, too. The other main downside to auto-flowering cannabis seeds is that they can sometimes end up taking a little longer to grow and flower due to their own internal light cycles rather than relying on external cues. 

It takes around two months for an autoflower to mature whereas it would only take one month for a feminized plant. Despite these disadvantages, there are many growers who prefer using them since they don’t need any special equipment or care. 

They also make for great options if you want your plants to mature during colder months when outdoor cultivation isn’t possible.

Autoflowers tend to be a little more difficult to breed and create new strains from, which makes them less desirable for breeding. If you live in a warmer climate then you might want to go with autoflowers while those living somewhere with colder temperatures should use feminized seeds. 

There are plenty of benefits to both but ultimately it comes down to personal preference. Some people just like the idea of being able to grow weed indoors without needing expensive equipment while others enjoy creating and experimenting with new strains.

Are Autoflowering Seeds Less Potent?

The potency of auto-flowering seeds is not diminished. They may even possess the same strength as feminized seeds. The primary distinction between the two is that autoflowers start to bloom on their own, without the requirement for a change in the light cycle. 

They, therefore, represent a fantastic alternative for farmers who want to forego the inconvenience of sexing their plants. On the other side, feminized seeds will only result in female plants. 

Growers that wish to avoid having to deal with male plants may find this to be advantageous (which can pollinate your females and reduce yields). 

What kind of seed is best for you, then? That depends on your growth goals and preferences. 

For example, if you’re growing for a medical application, then it’s advisable to use feminized seeds. That way, you don’t have to worry about producing any male plants that could pollinate your crop and reduce its potency. If you’re more interested in making sure that all of your plants are female, then feminized seeds may be a better choice. 

However, if you’re looking for something that’s easier to grow or doesn’t require much maintenance, then auto-flowering seeds may be right up your alley! Plus, since they come pre-seeded, there’s no risk of cross-pollination. Ultimately, it really comes down to what you want out of your marijuana plants– but both options offer plenty of benefits.

Light Requirements For Feminized Cannabis Seeds

The exact amount of light you need will depend on the strain you choose and the size of your grow room. 

Here are some general guidelines:

Indoor Feminized Cannabis Seeds

For indoor feminized cannabis seeds, it’s recommended to use fluorescent lights throughout the life cycle. Fluorescent lights are cheap and easy to find, and they put out very little heat compared to high-powered HID (high-intensity discharge) lights such as sodium or metal halide lamps. 

The downside is that fluorescent lights do not produce as much light as HID bulbs, so you will need more of them in your grow room. For most indoor cannabis growers, this isn’t a problem since it’s relatively easy to build an effective lighting system using multiple fluorescent bulbs.

Outdoor Feminized Cannabis Seeds

For outdoor feminized pot seeds, it’s recommended to use HID lights because they produce higher levels of PAR than fluorescents do. The biggest disadvantage with HIDs is that they produce a lot of heat and must be carefully placed in order to avoid burning your plants or destroying their trichomes (crystals) when they’re ready for harvest.

The amount of light your seeds need will depend on the final size of your plant. If you want to grow short, bushy plants that don’t get too tall, then you’ll want to keep them in a smaller space with less light. If you want to grow taller plants with more branches and leaves, then you’ll need more light.

If your goal is to produce large buds, then feminized cannabis seeds will be best for you. They are usually developed with a particular purpose in mind, so they are often specifically bred for that purpose. For example, if you’re looking for an easy-to-grow strain that can be grown indoors or outdoors in most climates, then there are many types of feminized seeds available.

Heavy selection is also frequently applied to feminized seeds. As a result, all the plants that grow from these seeds should be female and produce buds rather than pollen sacs because they have been bred over many generations to exclusively create female plants (which are useless).

Final Thoughts

When you’re deciding on autoflower vs feminized cannabis seeds, you’ll have to carefully think about what your goals and expectations are. Each option has pros and cons for specific situations and giving all of this some thought will have your yield doing much better than if you were to dive in blindly.

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