
Triple Diesel



Hit that swish from beyond the arc with the Triple Diesel strain. This trifecta of breeding brings together Sour Diesel x NYC Diesel X Strawberry Diesel into a potent and energetic strain. Triple Diesel can contain up to 22% THC, providing a large mental boost while helping to break from depression and anxiety. The aroma is thick with the familiar door of fuel but expresses elements of fruit and sweet skunk.

The Triple Diesel strain is definitely an interesting strain because of just how turned on this makes you. A lot of couples love to use this strain in bed because it really amps up the excitement. Some guys even find that this strain works almost as well as Viagra, and it’s not nearly as expensive! Not only does this strain really up to your libido, but it makes you more creative, and stress-free. Most people that use this in bed find that they’re braver, and are more willing to experiment with different positions, techniques, and methods. A lot of people find that intima... te acts can be stressful, but this strain gets rid of all of that stress. Don’t let stress get you down! Don’t let it stop you from having fun with your partner! Triple Diesel strain is going to make your love life a million times better.

There are countless ways in which this marijuana strain helps you. The majority of which are all ways to counter the mental illness. The first significant example is depression. Depression is caused by imbalances in the brain coupled with situational events. By increasing the production of serotonin and dopamine, Triple Diesel effectively balances those imbalances and alleviates depression. The same goes for anxiety. Anxiety is also caused by the same imbalances. For those who are unfamiliar, serotonin and dopamine are basically the feel-good chemicals in your brain. Another mental illness that is alleviated by this particular strain is insomnia. A lot of people find that after spending some time with their significant other, they sleep really well. Another popular use of the Triple Diesel cannabis strain is OCD alleviation. OCD typically has triggers, but Triple Diesel blocks those triggers really well. Your brain will begin to believe that they’re less important, and over time you’ll barely notice them. This isn’t necessarily the most effective technique, but some people have mentioned that this can definitely be a long term solution.

There aren’t as many physical benefits of Triple Diesel, but there are a few. The first being alleviation of chronic pain. It may not be as strong or as effective as some other strains, but a lot of smokers find that Triple Diesel really helps their pain. A lot of them say that this is the perfect combination because the pain relief doesn’t overshadow the mental strife relief. Another common use of physical ailments is vomiting. Again, it’s not the most effective, but it is somewhat good at reducing nausea. Because of this, it’s commonly used by those undergoing chemotherapy treatment. Chemo can cause severe nausea and vomiting, so if you’re really struggling, it may be best to try a different strain. This one will help, but not as much as others. Especially if you’re smoking with the sole intent of relieving said nausea and vomiting.

If you’re curious about the taste and smell of Triple Diesel strain, you’re in luck. We have all the answers! At first, you’ll notice the smell is overwhelmingly sweet. So sweet in fact you probably won’t expect the lingering diesel aromas that are sure to follow. When it comes to taste, it gets a little more interesting. Sure, it still tastes a little sweet, but most people find that diesel is the most significant flavor that comes through. The combination of diesel and sweets makes for an addictive and very pungent mix. Definitely something you’ll want more of! Some users of triple diesel actually mention that they smoke this sometimes just because of the taste rather than any of the effects.

It’s important to note that this strain does have a few side effects. Dry eyes, dry mouth, and mild paranoia. All of which aren’t that common, but you should know all about them and how to alleviate them should they occur.

Before you smoke this strain, make sure you read up on all the local laws. Marijuana may be legalized in a few dozen states across America, but it is still illegal at the federal level. This article is not a valid excuse for breaking any of these laws. For more information, we recommend you refer to your local weed dispensary or your family doctor and/or general practitioner.

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David lebovskiy
February 23, 2020
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc id erat a quam sollicitudin lacinia. Vivamus dignissim pretium urna et finibus. Etiam finibus ultrices mauris eget commodo. Integer quis vehicula arcu. Integer et justo cursus Etiam finibus ultrices mauris eget
David lebovskiy
February 23, 2020
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc id erat a quam sollicitudin lacinia. Vivamus dignissim pretium urna et finibus. Etiam finibus ultrices mauris eget commodo. Integer quis vehicula arcu. Integer et justo cursus Etiam finibus ultrices mauris eget
David lebovskiy
February 23, 2020
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc id erat a quam sollicitudin lacinia. Vivamus dignissim pretium urna et finibus. Etiam finibus ultrices mauris eget commodo. Integer quis vehicula arcu. Integer et justo cursus Etiam finibus ultrices mauris eget
David lebovskiy
February 23, 2020
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc id erat a quam sollicitudin lacinia. Vivamus dignissim pretium urna et finibus. Etiam finibus ultrices mauris eget commodo. Integer quis vehicula arcu. Integer et justo cursus Etiam finibus ultrices mauris eget

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