What Country Has the Best Weed In The World?

what country has the best weed

Wherever you go, you’ll find weed, and some countries have better weed than others, which can draw cannabis users in. Photo by Tobias Leznem.

What country has the best weed? Wherever you go, you’ll find weed, and some countries have better weed than others, which can draw cannabis users in.

There are plenty of different countries that grow their own weed and many of them produce quality cannabis, but what country produces the best weed in the world? 


When it comes to weed, the Netherlands is world-renowned. This small European country is home to some of the best weed in the world. The Dutch have been perfecting their craft for centuries, and it shows. The weed here is strong, fresh, and flavorful. If you’re looking for a great place to get your hands on some top-quality weed, then look no further than the Netherlands. 

There are many reasons why this country has so much success when it comes to growing cannabis: One is that Holland is located within the Golden Triangle (a region spanning from Canada’s British Columbia to Central America). The Dutch grow weed outside year-round, which means they produce high-quality marijuana year-round. 

Dutch laws are very liberal when it comes to smoking pot; smoking weed in public isn’t against the law and neither is selling or buying recreational cannabis from licensed coffeeshops (under certain conditions). The coffee shops can sell up to 5 grams per person per day. 

If you visit Amsterdam during the tulip season, be sure not to miss out on visiting one of these legal shops! These coffee shops come in all shapes and sizes, but every single one of them will leave you impressed with their high-quality strains. 

You can find them anywhere, as long as they follow local regulations. Some even offer free samples! Visit the cities’ websites for more information about where to find them.


In Canada, weed is legal for both medical and recreational purposes. The country has a long history of cannabis use, dating back to the 1600s when it was first introduced by French settlers. Today, there are over 2.5 million cannabis users in Canada – that’s around 7% of the population! 

And with such a large market, it’s no surprise that Canadian weed is some of the best in the world. There are tons of high-quality strains available at many dispensaries throughout Canada, as well as edibles, concentrates, topicals (creams), oils, and other extracts. 

Some favorites include: 

  • Sour Diesel
  • Lemon Haze
  • Tangie
  • Girl Scout Cookies (GSC)
  • Jack Herer
  • Northern Lights #5

You can find these types of buds all across Canada, although you may have to do a little research to find them in some regions. For example, you’ll need to go into larger cities like Toronto or Vancouver if you want access to GSC; but if you’re looking for anything from Northern Lights #5, it’s more likely that you’ll be able to find it anywhere across the country. Of course, with great weed comes higher prices – so be prepared to shell out about $10 per gram on average. 

In contrast, in the US where marijuana is only legal on a state-by-state basis (and not nationwide), pricing varies greatly depending on where you are. So whether you live in Denver or Miami, for example, your average cost per gram will range between $7 and $17 respectively. Plus prices will only keep going up now that legalization day has come and gone!

Czech Republic

There’s a reason the Czech Republic is known as a mecca for stoners. With some of the highest quality weed in the world, it’s no wonder that people flock to this country to get their hands on some of the best herb around. 

Not only is the weed top-notch, but there are also plenty of dispensaries and coffee shops where you can buy it. And if you’re looking for something a little stronger, you can always find hash and other forms of cannabis in Prague. If you’re planning a trip to Europe, make sure you add the Czech Republic to your list! 

But it’s not just recreational weed you’ll find in Prague. You can also buy medical marijuana for chronic pain and other conditions, making it a perfect place to get some relief if you’re a medical marijuana patient.


Whether you’re looking for a mellow indica to relax with or a high-powered sativa to get your day started, you’re sure to find what you’re looking for in Spain. So next time you’re planning a trip, be sure to add this country to your list! 

Another great thing about Spanish cannabis is that it’s strong but without being overly pungent so it won’t overwhelm you even if you have friends who aren’t into smoking yet. Another pro of Spanish bud is that it’s easy to come by, so if you’re interested in visiting one of their dispensaries, there are actually quite a few to choose from. 

You can easily find dispensaries all over Barcelona which makes it an excellent place to visit if smoking on vacation is something you enjoy doing while traveling. They sell buds, edibles, and oils which means they have something for every smoker out there.


Afghanistan’s climate and soil are ideal for growing marijuana. It has a long growing season with plenty of sunshine and rain. The Hindu Kush mountains provide an ideal climate for plants to grow tall and strong, which makes them perfect for producing large quantities of high-quality weed.

Because Afghanistan is so mountainous, cannabis growers have found ways to grow their plants indoors as well as outdoors. Some farmers even use greenhouses that can be heated during the winter months when temperatures drop below freezing point. This allows them to continue their harvest year round!


California has been producing some of the best cannabis in the world for decades, and it has only gotten better as legalization has taken hold.

California has a long history of growing cannabis. It was first introduced by Spanish settlers in the 1700s, who planted hemp and used it for rope, sails, and clothing. By 1850 all but one state had banned cannabis cultivation due to fears that Mexican laborers would use it to rebel against their employers. 

However, by the 1920s, cannabis had become an important crop across California — particularly in Humboldt County — and its popularity only increased as time went on.

Today, California is a leader in both medical and recreational marijuana production, with several cities making national news for their high-quality strains. Some of these cities include Oakland (Oaksterdam University), Los Angeles (Harborside Health Center), San Francisco (Green Door), and San Diego (Diesel).

New Zealand

New Zealand is a small but beautiful country. It’s also the home of some of the best marijuana in the world.

So it’s no surprise that New Zealand weed has become increasingly popular over the last few years.

New Zealand is known for its green pastures, stunning scenery, and friendly people. But did you know that it’s also one of the best places on Earth to get high?

There are two main reasons why New Zealand weed is so good:

It’s clean. Most New Zealand growers produce organic products, which means there are no pesticides or fertilizers used during cultivation. This makes New Zealand cannabis safer to consume than most other strains around the world.

It grows well in NZ conditions. Because growing marijuana requires specific conditions, many countries struggle to produce high-quality cannabis at scale due to poor weather conditions or lack of sunlight during winter months. However, New Zealand’s temperate climate makes growing weed an easy task — even indoors!


Mexico has a long history of growing cannabis, with the practice dating back to at least 3000 BC. The plant is native to Mexico and Central America and has been used for centuries by farmers for its medicinal, nutritional, and spiritual properties.

Mexico’s cannabis industry is one of the oldest and most developed in the world. The country has a long history of producing quality marijuana and is often associated with some of the best strains available today.

Cannabis cultivation in Mexico dates back to at least 3000 BC when it was first used by indigenous people for medicinal purposes. The Spanish colonized Mexico in 1521, but their influence didn’t stop locals from growing weed. 

In fact, many historians believe that cannabis played an important role in helping Mexicans fight off Spanish conquerors during their occupation of the country (a period known as La Noche Triste).

Historically, Mexican growers were more concerned about efficiency than potency or quality — so much so that they developed strains that were resistant to droughts, pests, and diseases which made them ideal for growing under harsh conditions. These resilient strains gave rise to modern-day hybrids like Mexican Sativa or Durban Poison which are still grown on farms across Mexico today.


Australia is a weed-growing powerhouse.

The country has long been known for producing some of the finest marijuana in the world, according to High Times magazine. The magazine has ranked Australia as having some of the best buds on Earth — and it’s not just because of its proximity to Asia and Oceania.

“It’s not only because we’re closer to Southeast Asia than anywhere else in the world,” wrote Chris Roberts, author of “The Pot Smoker’s Guide to Australia.” “We have an excellent climate and soils that are rich in nutrients; this makes it possible for us to grow high-quality cannabis all year round.”

Roberts said that Australian growers are skilled at creating hybrids between sativa, indica, and ruderalis strains. They also use advanced growing techniques like hydroponics, aeroponics, and vertical farming, which allows them to grow more plants at once than conventional methods do.


Columbia is one of the best countries in the world when it comes to growing marijuana. The climate and soil conditions are perfect for cultivating this plant and many people can actually grow their own plants at home.

The climate in Columbia is ideal for growing marijuana because it has a long rainy season, which provides the necessary humidity levels required for the plant to grow well.

The soil conditions in Columbia are also ideal because they consist of rich volcanic soils that contain a lot of nutrients that help the plant develop strong roots and produce high yields.

Many people can actually grow their own plants at home and this method is becoming increasingly popular due to its low cost and easy access to seeds or clones (young plants). One of the most important things that you need when growing your own pot is space, so if you don’t have enough room then you should consider renting an indoor grow room so that you can grow all year round without having to wait for spring or autumn before planting your crops outdoors!

What Are Good Growing Conditions For Cannabis?

Cannabis grows best in humid, tropical climates with long days and short nights. These conditions are found in countries near the equator, such as Colombia, Mexico, and Thailand. The plant also does well in temperate climates with moderate amounts of sunlight and rainfall, like in Morocco and Spain. 

While cannabis does have the ability to grow in almost any environment, it thrives under specific conditions. For example, cannabis can be grown successfully indoors with artificial light; however, natural light is a much better choice for healthy growth. 

Outdoor cultivation is more challenging because it needs to be done in subtropical or tropical climates (i.e., near the equator) where temperatures stay above 50 degrees Fahrenheit at night for at least six months out of the year and rain is common year-round (if not daily). 

Countries that meet these requirements include Columbia, Morocco, and Jamaica. Countries that have a similar climate to Canada are able to grow cannabis outdoors with some challenges: Sweden’s cold winters can cause plants to stop growing from November through February; Denmark experiences an occasional late frost during their warm summer months that kills off their crops, and Norway’s lack of sun for part of the year means indoor cultivation is necessary.

Final Thoughts

If you know what country has the best weed, why not consider visiting one of them? Try out new things in new countries is an exhilarating experience, and smoking weed in other countries can give you a good idea of what the experience feels like abroad.

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