Can You Bring Edibles On a Plane in Canada in 2022?

can you bring edibles on a plane canada 2021

Transporting marijuana across international boundaries is illegal.

Many cannabis users wonder, ‘can you bring edibles on a plane in Canada in 2022?’ This is an important question because lots of people use edibles.

First and foremost, do not attempt to bring your edibles on board. You will be stopped and asked to dispose of them. Rather, send them to yourself with a tracking number so that they reach the airport ahead of you. Then inspect them like you would any other package.

When it’s time to go home, your edibles will be waiting for you in the baggage claim section of the airport from whence you departed—and no one will wonder why you mailed yourself cannabis-infused gummy bears.

What’s The Legal Age To Use Cannabis In Canada?

In Canada, the legal age to use cannabis is 18.

You can consume cannabis in Canada if you’re 18 years old or older. There are certain limitations on when and where you may use it if you are under the age of 18.

Can You Bring Cannabis From Canada To The U.S.?

Transporting marijuana across international boundaries is illegal. Marijuana remains a Schedule I substance under federal law, according to the US Customs and Border Protection agency (CBP). 

This means that, even if some states have legalized recreational marijuana and others have authorized medicinal marijuana, federal law still makes it illegal to possess or carry any amount of marijuana into or out of the nation.

You might face significant punishment if you’re found with even one joint at an international border crossing – up to life in prison in some cases.

It’s also worth noting that just because recreational marijuana use is legal in Canada doesn’t mean border agents won’t search your bags at the airport or ferry terminal for evidence of cannabis consumption — especially if there’s other suspicious activity going on (for example, if you’re carrying large amounts of cash).

In 2018, Canada became the first G7 country to legalize recreational marijuana. As a result, many people are considering taking legal cannabis from Canada home with them. Unfortunately, crossing the border with a bag of marijuana is not as straightforward as it appears.

What About Domestic Flights?

The Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA) and the Aeronautics Act are two federal pieces of legislation that pertains to cannabis in Canada.

Any individual who knowingly carries a narcotic drug or psychotropic substance is in violation of the CDSA. It also makes having more than 30 grams of marijuana illegal.

The Aeronautics Act makes it illegal to be inebriated on board an aircraft or to be in charge of an aircraft while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

However, neither statute has any particular restrictions prohibiting passengers from carrying cannabis onboard an airline.

Airlines will have their own procedures about cannabis usage on aircraft in practice. Air Canada has stated that passengers would not be allowed to fly with marijuana in their carry-on luggage, although it is unclear whether this also extends to checked luggage. WestJet has stated that it will adopt Air Canada’s carry-on luggage rules, although it has yet to give official instructions on the subject.

What Should I Do If I Have Weed And Want To Fly?

Weed is prohibited on airlines in certain quantities in Canada and to certain locations. It’s unlawful to fly with it anyplace in the United States, regardless of whether your state has approved recreational marijuana usage.

So, if you’re traveling with marijuana, what should you do? There are a few possibilities:

  1. Keep your marijuana at home.

If you have a connection to the airport or airline you’re traveling on, this is definitely the best option. If they discover you’re carrying marijuana, they may search you and remove you off the aircraft, putting both of you in serious danger.

  1. Purchase some more when you get to your destination

If you don’t want to leave your stash behind but also don’t want to get into any difficulty at the airport, buy some more cannabis when you arrive at your destination. You should be able to locate anything in whatever airport city you arrive at; simply search for a reputable dispensary near where you’re going. 

Key Takeaways

Can you bring edibles on a plane in Canada in 2022? It’s not legal to bring edibles on a plane in Canada. It’s also not legal to bring cannabis into the United States.

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