The Easiest Way To Make Cannabis Butter With Trimmings and Not Burn Your House

The Easiest Way To Make Cannabis Butter

Cannabis butter is quite easy to make and yet it is very potent.

Cannabis-infused edibles are becoming more and more popular. Cannabis butter with Trimmings is one of them. It is quite easy to make and yet it is very potent. Let’s see how to make it! 

Prepare for cooking. What do you need to know BEFORE making cannabis butter?

There are a lot of factors that one needs to consider before making cannabis butter. The most crucial two are:

  • Decarboxylation process of cannabis;
  • Cannabis dosage in cannabis butter.

Decarboxylation makes your cannabis butter more potent and makes it act longer. It is the base of the whole canna cuisine industry. But why is it so important? Cannabis has two types of cannabinoids in it — active and inactive. It is obvious that we need an active component named THC. The heating process (aka decarboxylation) makes THCA (non-active cannabinoid) lose its A and become THC — active canna. 

How to decarb cannabis at home

Now that we know why decarboxylation is important, we need to know how to make it at home. Everything is as easy as stealing candy from a baby. You just need to finely warm your cannabis buds in the preheated to up to 250ºF oven for 30-40 minutes. 

Don’t forget to use parchment paper under cannabis buds on the tray and above them to avoid sticking. We also recommend checking buds every 10 minutes and shaking the tray so they will decarb properly from each side. 

You should also pay attention to your cannabis appearance. If it looks dry before the oven it may take less time to decarb. This can happen because cannabis tends to decarboxylate on its own with time. External heat is quite enough to launch THCA — THC transformation! 

The recipe with parchment paper may be the easiest and the most popular, but you should be ready that your whole house will smell like sh… like a weed. To avoid unpleasant smells there are different alternatives from decarboxylating buds in the glass jar or using a baking bag to just waiting for a year when cannabis decarb on its own! You can pick whenever you like and we move on. 

Cannabis butter dosage, how to calculate? 

According to cannabis sales only in legal stores have skyrocketed since 2018. It is good if you have a lot of cannabis at home and uses it to relax or for treatment but it is also very important not to abuse it so it won’t lose its therapeutic effect.

Cannabis dosage in cannabis butter depends on various factors. Starting from decarboxylation up to your tolerance. The easiest way is to start low and add more if it’s not working. Unfortunately, you can’t pre-calculate the exact dosage of cannabis beforehand, you need to experiment and find your limits. 

Once your cannabis butter will be ready try eating a cookie with a small amount of it. Wait for an hour. Check the effect. If it’s ok — you can write it down in your family cookbook with a clear conscience. If not, you can simply regulate it and be sure that your next time cooking cannabis butter will be even better.

Cannabis butter with trimmings recipe

At last, we came to the recipe itself. First off — ingredients:

  • 200 grams of butter;
  • 4 glasses of water;
  • 6-11 grams of ground decarboxylated cannabis.

Sounds simple. Once you gather ingredients and decarboxylated cannabis be sure to check your kitchen. It needs to be well lit and well ventilated. Buy baking paper, baking bags, or parchment paper in advance. Here is what you need to do step by step:

  1. Put 1 cup of butter and 1 cup of water into the saucepan;
  2. Start slowly heating butter with water until butter melts. Water is there to regulate temperature better and prevent the butter from boiling;
  3. While your butter is on fire melting you should do something useful and coarsely grind the decarboxylated cannabis;
  4. Add ground cannabis to your water butter as the butter begins to melt;
  5. Leave it on low heat for 2-3 hours. Stir it from time to time to avoid boiling;
  6. Your cannabis butter is almost ready! You need to carefully filter it through cheesecloth.
  7. Let it cool and then pour it over the cheesecloth funnel. Keep your fingers away from it! Let it go as it goes, do not squeeze it through. 
  8. Place it in the fridge for at least one hour.
  9. If there will be water in the base of your butter even after an hour, don’t be scared. This happens sometimes. Just remove watered butter with the knife and dry water.
  10. Enjoy cannabis butter!

If you have a slow cooker, instructions remain almost the same. Except you don’t need to stand near the oven to control the heating process all day but just leave it to the technologies. Set your cooker to a low temperature between 170-200ºF and cook cannabis butter in it. 

You may even cook without water but such cooking requires more skill and attention because your mix can easily burn out and set your house on fire! If you are new to canna cuisine we recommend you add water. Moreover, water washes out chlorophyll during cooking, so the cannabis butter has less herbal taste and smell.

Another pleasant benefit of adding water to your cannabis butter is that as the oil solidifies while cooling in the fridge, all unfiltered plant particles sink to the bottom of the product, resulting in a cleaner and tastier butter. However, there is also one small disadvantage – the risk of mold appearance. This can be easily avoided by using the butter immediately after cooking or by freezing it.

Bottom line

Today we have learned how to cook the sweetest and the coolest cannabis butter with trimmings ever. This recipe is good for new members of canna society as well for those who are experienced users and just tired of smoking canna through the bong. Enjoy your cannabis butter but don’t forget about your safety and don’t eat too much of it!

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