How To Make A Firecracker at Home — Easy Recipe

How To Make A Firecracker at Home

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to make a firecracker.

Firecracker is a very descriptive word for another type of weed edible. It is simply made from popular ingredients that you definitely already have at home. 

Why should I choose firecrackers?

We assure you that firecrackers have a list of benefits:

  • Don’t require cooking;
  • Save time;
  • Very potent;
  • Don’t leave a nasty smell and mess. 

They are great for those who only started smoking and making their first steps as well as for experienced users. What is more, one of their greatest advantages is that they hardly require cooking. A lot of weed cookies recipes include cannabis butter that you need to prepare in advance. With firecrackers, you can forget about it and you don’t have to waste your time on extra ingredients.

We understand that you are not a five-star Michelin chef so we offer a very easy solution. If you had a bad previous experience with burning cannabis butter or other dishes in the canna kitchen — just forget about them as nothing happened. If we simplify it, all you need to prepare firecrackers is your thumbs to hold the tray when you put it inside and out of the oven. Plus, you don’t need to do a general clean-up after you finish cooking. The baking sheet and aluminum foil will take all the heat. 

As we mentioned before, this recipe saves you time. It doesn’t require pre-made cannabis butter. Just for the record, preparing time for cannabis butter is approximately 3 hours. You can read about it more here. So, yes, we will save you at least 3 hours! 

Firecrackers are one of the most potent weed edibles. They are still slower than the standard inhaling way, but firecrackers last up to 5 hours! A nice bonus is that you are fully in control of your dose accurate to the bite. The preparation of such cookies is a whole field for experimentation. You can add extra flavor to them by putting something on top of the crackers like honey, bananas, or other fruits. You are free to add more or less cannabis to them depending on your experience. Firecrackers’ agility and high customization ability are other great advantages. 

How do weed edibles work?

Behind almost all weed edibles the same principles lie. The time of cooking may change, their potency too but two basics are always there – decarboxylation and fat infusion. You may have already seen or heard about ‘decarb cannabis’. Now we will tell you more about it. 

Decarboxylation is the process of turning THCA into THC. Still sounds too scientific, right? In simpler words, we are interested in THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). It is the main component that makes firecrackers as well as other weed edibles so potent. By the way, THCA is tetrahydrocannabinol acid, THC precursor, and inactive cannabinoid. All weed therapeutic cannabis effects are achieved thanks to THC because it influences the central neural system directly and launches different processes in the brain and immune system. 

In other words, to change THCA to THCA we need to heat cannabis. So, decarboxylation is the process of heating. When you heat the cannabis in a bong with a lighter the same process happens, but it happens faster and burns some cannabis. When you cook firecrackers or other cannabis edibles, decarboxylation goes smoother at 220-250°F giving you better results. 

As for the fat infusion, it is simple and logical. Fat just protects THC from premature decay in your stomach acid. In this way, cannabinoids will be absorbed into the body and not just digested. As a carrier oil for cannabinoids protection, you can use various options like:

  • Olive oil;
  • Coconut oil;
  • Butter;
  • Peanut butter (like in the firecracker recipe!).

You can try other options from the list above next time because we are now ready to finally move on to our recipe!

How to make a firecracker

We finally came to the recipe itself! Behold, here is a step-by-step guide on how to make a firecracker. First of all, you need to know the ingredients, right? Here you go:

  • 0.5 – 1g marijuana (this is a questionable part, the dose depends on your experience and cannabis tolerance);
  • 1 graham cracker;
  • 2 tablespoons of peanut butter or other high-fat nut butter (you can choose from the list above but in our opinion peanut butter is the best for firecrackers!).

And here are your further actions:

  1. Book at least the next 30 minutes, you will be busy cooking!
  2. Don’t forget to take out the tray! Then start heating your oven to 250°F. While your oven is heating you need to grind canna into small pieces and lay it out on the tray covered with aluminum foil.
  3. Bake for 10 minutes and take it out to cool. Turn up the heat to 300°F. While your cannabis is cooling, take a graham cracker and break it into halves.
  4. Mix peanut butter with lightly sprinkled cannabis and spread this delicious blend across two cracker halves. Make a sandwich with two halves and wrap it in foil.
  5. Bake for another 15 minutes, take it out and cool it. Enjoy!

As we mentioned before, firecrackers are extremely customizable. As well as you can adjust the quantity of cannabis in it, you can adjust anything! Try adding something on top of your cracker, like Nutella or syrup. You can even make a canna cake! Don’t be afraid to try something new! It is also worth mentioning that despite the firecracker’s nice and innocent appearance those cookies can make you fly far away! It does act slowly, you should take your time, maybe an hour or two, to finish your job or watch a movie. Then a firecracker will kick in and you will be able to enjoy a long-lasting relaxing effect. 

Several mistakes you should avoid while cooking firecrackers

We already know how to make a firecracker. But how can we make it better and what mistakes do we need to avoid? Let’s see! First of all, cooking marijuana is not that hard, but is not very easy at the same time. We need to make sure it will work properly. That’s why we need to be extra careful and pay attention even to the smallest nuances. As we know the devil is in the details. 

First of all, do not add too much cannabis! A lot of people mistakenly think that the more they add the harder the effect will be but that’s completely wrong! The most important in cannabis is its quality and proper decarboxylation process. Moreover, the lipids (special fats that protect cannabinoids) in the butter or oil can bind to a certain amount of cannabinoids, so if you add more cannabis in the hope of getting a more effective product, then you’re just throwing your weed away. After adding a little more cannabis, add more butter! Thus, it may work and save you from complete wasting of your canna.

The second mistake you can make while learning how to make a firecracker is forgetting to decarb your weed. This is the most serious mistake you can make. If you don’t decarb your weed it just won’t work. You cannot throw an unactivated raw flower into a dish and hope that it will give its maximum effect. Cooked food will not only taste bad, but it will also prevent the cannabinoids from fully activating and binding to lipids. This means that you may not feel anything and just waste your precious cannabis.

Recent Canadian studies show that cannabis is very popular among people aged 20-24. As we know the majority of youth tend to ignore useful advice or skip ‘unimportant’ information in their opinion. This warning is especially for you young fellas: always decarboxylate your cannabis before cooking it! 

The last but not least mistake in this article about how to make a firecracker is the violation of temperature regimes. You may already understand how to make a firecracker and that weed must be decarboxylated, so now focus on temperature. It needs to stay between 200-250°F. Otherwise, there is a risk of ruining everything. When you’re decarboxylating your cannabis, making a firecracker, or just about to heat the butter in your saucepan, always control the temperature. Preheating the oven or pan is very important so that the cannabinoids can open their potency and bond with the ingredients properly.

Bottom line

We hope that this was an interesting article for you and now you know how to make a firecracker. Enjoy these potent and sweet treats alone or with friends.  

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