How to Roll a Joint with No Paper Around?

If you’ve ever been in the situation where you forgot your rolling papers at home or simply ran out in the middle of nowhere, you might’ve had to consider other options to smoke your weed. Everyone has been in that situation at least once in their lives, and sometimes, people go to great lengths to get their cannabis fix in. Can you use tissue paper to roll a joint?

It is during these times when people start to get really creative and begin figuring out rolling paper alternatives. While a substitute for rolling paper will usually never be quite as good as the rolling paper itself, you might be surprised by what your mind comes up with when you’re in dire need.

A rolling paper substitute can sometimes be made with just various materials that you have around your home. You typically won’t want to be using these materials for your long-term smoking sessions because they are more of a makeshift emergency situation type of solution that will let you get high until you can manage to find some real rolling papers. Here are a couple of good methods to try out when you don’t have rolling papers handy.


When you’re in a panic trying to figure out what to use as rolling paper, go and find an empty toilet paper roll. Many people have successfully smoked cannabis very well with this method, and it doesn’t require a whole lot of supplies to get the job done.

Some things you’ll need:

  • Toilet-paper roll (a paper-towel roll will work if you don’t have any toilet-paper rolls)
  • Scissors
  • Tinfoil (you’ll only need a tiny piece)
  • Tape
  • Pencil
  • Toothpick

Ensure that all of the toilet paper is taken off of the roll. Get your tape and completely seal up one side of the toilet paper roll. You’ll need to do a good job sealing it with the tape to ensure that it is fully airtight. After that, get the scissors and begin cutting in a circular fashion to make a cut about an inch in diameter on the opposite side of the toilet paper roll. Using your pencil, make another hole very close to the one you just made. The second hole will act as the carb.

After that, get a little bit of tinfoil and cover the other hole on the toilet paper roll. You’ll want to shape the tinfoil into a little bowl, much like how a pipe is shaped. With your toothpick, poke some holes into the tinfoil so that smoke can get through it. That’s basically it for the “steamroller”.

Tin-Foil Pipe

If you don’t have homemade rolling papers handy, you can try making your own pipe out of nothing but tinfoil. To do this, you’ll start by using a pencil to shape your tinfoil into the shape of a cone. Ensure that you use enough tinfoil that the shape of a bowl can be made properly. Also, ensure that you make a gap in order for air to efficiently get through it.
After that, you can start putting weed in the bowl and start smoking. The tin-foil pipe is a very easy way to smoke weed if you run out of rolling papers.

Holy Smokes

Many people will go to extreme lengths to smoke weed when they run out of papers. Sometimes people will resort to using receipts from the store, pages from a phone book, and even tissue paper. Using pages doesn’t work too well because they have way too much ink on them. Receipts also don’t work too well either because they have a plastic coating on them.

Some people resort to using pages from a long novel they’ve had laying around. If the quality of the pages is high enough, you should be able to roll joints with it.

Try Using Fruit

If you don’t have rolling papers around to make a joint with, try making an apple pipe. This doesn’t take very long to make, and you only require a few things to get going:

  • Big Apple
  • Knife
  • Pen
  • Toothpick

Give your apple a rinse before you start making an apple pipe. After that, take the stem out of it. Using your toothpick, start poking some holes about halfway into the apple, all the way to the core. Once that’s done, get your pen and begin creating a hole that’s perpendicular to the holes you just made with the toothpick. They should be aligned properly. Get your pen and start making a carb in the apple. You’ll want the carb to feel natural, so position it where your thumb will be comfortably located on the apple. Get rid of any apple debris on the pen and then use that as the mouthpiece.

Use An Empty Cigarette

Most people that don’t smoke cigarettes will always turn down the offer if a smoker asks if they want one. Next time someone asks you if you want a cigarette, accept the offer and just keep the cigarette handy in case you ever run out of rolling papers. Emptying the cigarette and using it to smoke weed is a fairly simple process. All you have to do is start rolling the cigarette back with your two fingers. Tobacco will start coming out easily in no time at all.

Next, start packing the empty cigarette with your cannabis. Exercise some caution here, because the cigarette paper can tear easily. If you really want the best experience, you should get rid of the filter in the cigarette. Just twist up the end of it so that you don’t risk getting anything in your mouth.

The empty cigarette method is probably not the first one you’ll be wanting to try. It takes a little more effort than the other methods, and sometimes it can be a hit or miss. It’s amazing what materials can be used when you’re in a pinch.

Drink Can

Next time you finish drinking your Pepsi, don’t throw away the can. If you’re an avid cannabis smoker and travel regularly or like going camping, keep the empty can in your car because it can be used to smoke weed out of. All you have to do is rinse the can out with water, make a little indent into the can, pop some holes into the indented area, and then place your weed on the indent before lighting it up. You’ll then be inhaling through the mouth of the can.

A Presto Pipe also works well if you’re looking for a substitute. This device lets you convert a can into a steamroller. Most people won’t have a Presto Pipe laying around, but if you do, then you’re one step ahead of the rest.

Water Gravity Pipe

The water gravity pipe has come in handy for many people over the years because the majority of people will have all of the supplies and materials somewhere in their house.

Here is what you need:

  • 2-litre bottle
  • 1-litre bottle
  • Paperclip
  • Tinfoil
  • Knife
  • Scissors

The first step is to cut off a few inches from the bottom of the 1-liter bottle. 2 inches is the recommended amount of bottle you’ll want to cut off. If you cut too much off, then there won’t be much room for the smoke.

After that, you’ll need to cut off the tip from the 2-litre bottle. Fill the bottle with water. Start cutting a hole in the lid of the 1-litre bottle. Once you have the hole cut, seal the hole with tinfoil. When it’s sealed, start poking some holes into the top of it. You can now insert the 1-litre bottle into the 2-litre bottle. Make sure that the top of the bottle stays out of the water. Put the cap on the bottle and then place your cannabis into the bowl.

Start lighting up your weed and gradually pull up the bottle as the smoke begins to fill it. Once you’re ready to take your rip, take off the bowl and inhale the smoke. Confusing, isn’t it? Sometimes this method is called the “waterfall”. It’s a method that takes some practice, but once you figure it out, you can really get a strong high from it.

Joint filter alternatives can get as creative as your mind allows, so before asking yourself, “what can I use as rolling paper”, take a look around your house and try some of these methods!

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