We encourage you to stay safe and preorder product online or by phone. Instore, we require 6 ft. social distancing between customers and budtenders with clear markings and hand sanitizer is available upon entry. Use the following to preorder product:
thebakereeseattle.com (click on menu for Aurora or Georgetown location)
Loyalty Members (click on link to menu at bottom of SMS text)
Call us Directly at: Georgetown- 206-659-0574 and Aurora- 206-466-2936.
Please stay safe and healthy as we navigate the changing circumstances of Covid 19 Safety measures provided by Washington State, City of Seattle and Washington State Cannabis Board.
Would it surprise you to find out that most dispensaries buy product based on cost alone? Their intake manager might catch the best deals, but they’ll ignore the best product if it isn’t tagged with a “sale” sign.
The Bakeréé does it differently. Our acquisitions team look for the best, the newest, and the most exciting. We know that a great price comes with a great relationship. Cultivating those relationships means we get the first call when a boutique cultivator is ready to unleash an incredible new cannabis strain on the world; and our customers are the first to try it.