Here at Legal Greens we pride ourselves on quality and service. Since days of old we have always wanted to provide our Greenies with the best flower. Now on top of that we are able to give you a peace of mind that you are putting the cleanest products in your joint, bong, or vaporizers. As all our products are tested at state certified laboratories to assure the highest standards of quality and safety. Check in regularly for updates and
This journey began officially in 2019 but the path was laid many years before then. Legal Greens founders are passionate about lifting up the community around them. Legal Greens is an Economic Empowerment Applicant in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Knowing first hand how the war on drugs has affected communities of color. We pride ourselves on being from and growing our company with individuals from the communities most affected by over zealous policies and draconian drug laws. We also are passionate about being a resource to other up and coming entrepreneurs in the cannabis space. We are just getting started follow along and take the journey with us.